Fun times at Solera

I finished things up at home then headed out to Solera Wine BarMySpace link (647 South Ave.) for a glass of wine. There were three guys at the end of the bar and I'm listening but I couldn't quite pin down what it is they're talking about: something to do with countries all over the world, expensive things — or at least something to do with high-society, and they like it. I'm stumped. The bartender knows them and introduces me: they're wine dealers. And they brought a selection of wines to share amongst one another — and now me as well. They're all excellent. For the sake of talking about it, I wish I could recall what they were. It was fun to get my nose to work again — I was actually able to pick out aromas and relate them to other things. It was a fascinating game: cooked asparagus … burnt cherries … walnut meat … turpentine. Fine wines are the bomb.

A most excellent evening at Solera

After she got home from a long day of work, Ali and I headed to Solera Wine BarMySpace link (647 South Ave.) We got a glass of (naturally) great wine and ran into our friend Rich who's been out of the country for a month but who arrived back in Rochester earlier that day. We talked with him and his friends and generally had a really good time. Another of our friends from a different circle showed up: she's moving out of town as well with her husband and things are just getting wrapped up for them. She was out on the town trying to avoid being bored stupid at her parents' house in the suburbs.