The Lobster Quadrille and Daryl Fleming and the Public Domain at the Bug Jar

Ali was really sad she couldn't make it, but Christina and I forged on to The Bug JarMySpace link (219 Monroe Ave.) to see The Lobster QuadrilleMySpace link play. Opening up was Daryl Fleming and the Public DomainMySpace link who did a fine job. They spun some lyrical, interesting, groove-rock-ish country/folk/rock … if that's any help at all. The Lobster QuadrilleMySpace link really did a great job too. They brought their Gothic satirical gospel back to the Bug Jar, and even had a bunch of toy instruments so the audience could join in too. Their new CD is — like many bands CD's — an idealized studio form of their live work, but it gives us fans a chance to learn all the words.

Lobster Quadrille, Township, and Auld Lang Syne at the Bug Jar

I guess it's been a while since I wrote any reports of performances, much less one where I see a band. I still get out — although less often than I used to — and tonight was one of those cases. I went to The Bug JarMySpace link (219 Monroe Ave.) and got there a bit early so I had a chance to catch up with the folks in The Lobster QuadrilleMySpace link. As it turns out, they were up first — there was some confusion about who was when, as it was Auld Lang SyneMySpace link's show (so they got top billing) and TownshipMySpace link came in from Boston.

Anyhow, The Lobster QuadrilleMySpace link did a great set. I found myself particularly mesmerized by Love is Cold. I've mentioned it hundreds of times [okay, for each of the last 29 of their shows I posted], but they do a great rendition of satirical gospel with all of 6 [or is it 7?] people on stage performing. Lead singer Solomon commented afterward that he felt the set was a bit melancholic feeling; although I think that "melancholic" suits them quite well.

Next up was TownshipMySpace link who I really enjoyed as well. They do a crisp, fresh version of classic rock. I even bought their CD which I've been enjoying as well. Finishing up was Auld Lang SyneMySpace link who I've now finally had the chance to hear. The night was getting a bit long for me, but I stayed enough to find they played a great heavy-hitting proto-rock that I'll likely seek out in future shows.

The Lobster Quadrille and more at the Bug Jar

The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) was having a good show tonight and Ali and I got to join in on the fun. First up was The Lobster Quadrille who did a very polished set of their own satirical gospel — even incorporating a bit of Vaudeville-like sketches. Ali headed home early but I stayed for Telephone Jim JesusMySpace link. I really didn't care for it … I think I would have been more lenient if the guy were younger. He did loud laptop-based beats with video, but it failed to really grab me … rather, I was kind of annoyed by it. Finishing up were Sole and the Skyrider BandMySpace link who were a great live hip-hop band. Unfortunately I was getting tired fast and went home early … I'd love to have stayed, though.