Old Boy and the New York Vaults at the Bug Jar

I went to The Bug JarMySpace link (219 Monroe Ave.) and caught up with Old BoyMySpace link who played great power acoustic like I expected. I can rely on these guys to really pound out some awesome music. They were followed by The New York VaultsMySpace link who played some excellent punk-rock. I didn't stay for long, though: I've been less of a party monster lately and headed home early.

Cavalcade and Old Boy at the Krown

I headed down to Monty's KrownMySpace link (875 Monroe Ave.) to check out the bands there. It's been a long time since I last visited — I think the last time was in July. Anyway, I had a great time … just like "old times". I talked with a friend of mine and he said that this was about as good as it gets. Usually it's just the usual crowd consisting of a fair number of heavy-drinking old metal heads. But even that has appeal and brings back memories — memories punctuated by missing parts, but memories nonetheless.

Anyway, the first band up was Cavalcade who played some solidly good hard rock. Old BoyMySpace link followed them and were fantastic as usual. So far I've seen them twice and both times I was really blown away. I guess it pays to front a hard acoustic-rock band with three excellent guitarists and back it up with electric bass and a solid drummer.