Bands at Boulder Coffee

I headed out to Boulder Coffee Co.MySpace link (100 Alexander St.) to check out the show. I was looking to finally see The Varnish CooksMySpace link but they weren't playing — instead, the show started with City Harvest BlackMySpace link which is a guy in a white mask with horns doing noise-based loops and haunting voices. I liked it but it's not the kind of music that has a huge following. Next was HorsebackMySpace link who do rich, thick atmospheric instrumental followed by Mike TamburoMySpace link who started out with a hammer dulcimer — I think — and had a light, airy, atmospheric presence.

One thought on “Bands at Boulder Coffee

  1. Jason,

    I'm sorry you missed our show! We played at Boulder on Saturday, Nov 3rd. I can say with strong assurance that we were there that night. I'm not quite sure which night the bands you mentioned played. We'll be playing at the House of Hamez (formerly Daily Perks) on Friday, November 30 with The Powder Kegs. I hope you can drop in and give it a listen.

    You've got a great blog and JayceLand is a fab online resource for what's going on intown, too.

    Keep up the good work!

    Ryan Griffith
    String Bass, The Varnish Cooks

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