Events in Rochester, NY for Thursday, March 12, 2015 through Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Here's my selection of events in Rochester this week:
Thursday, March 12

  • From 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Steve Matteson will present Discovering the Goudy Legacy as part of the Frederic W. Goudy: 150 Years of Typographic Influence in the RIT Cary Graphic Arts Collection. [source: Facebook, 2015-Mar-9]
  • Starting at 5:30 p.m. in the Panara Theater at NTID on the RIT Campus is a screening of Resistance (Michael Graziano, U.S. / Denmark / Canada 2013, 72 min.) and a Panel Discussion on Bacterial Resistance. "Antibiotics were first mass-produced in the 1940s. Their ability to fight and kill bacteria revolutionized medicine and had profound effects on everything from agriculture to the Armed Forces. Seventy years later, these miracle drugs are failing." [source: Color Brighton Green website, 2015-Mar-2]
  • Tonight at 7 p.m. at Writers and Books, David White will discuss The Aims and Work of The Matilda Joslyn Foundation at tonight's meeting of The Bertrand Russell Society. [source: City Newspaper events calendar, 2015-Mar-11]
  • Brandi Rarus will give a Presentation and Book Signing for her new book Finding Zoe : a deaf woman's story of identity, love, and adoption from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the CSD-Student Development Center, rooms 1300/1310 on the RIT Campus. [source: NTID Campus Events and Activities page, 2015-Mar-9]
  • At the Memorial Art Gallery at 7 p.m., Catelyn Augustine, and John Beck will discuss Hidden Passions: Inspiring Conversations about Hyphenated Lives. [source: MAG website, 2015-Mar-9]
  • Tonight at 8 p.m., the Dryden will screen Claw: A Fable (Manfred Kirchheimer, U.S. 1968, 30 min., DCP), then Stations of the Elevated (Manfred Kirchheimer, U.S. 1981, 45 min., DCP).

    Stations of the Elevated is a city symphony directed, produced, and edited by Manfred Kirchheimer. Shot on lush 16mm color reversal stock, the film weaves together vivid images of graffiti-covered elevated subway trains crisscrossing the gritty urban landscape of 1970s New York, to a commentary-free soundtrack that combines ambient city noise with jazz and gospel by Charles Mingus and Aretha Franklin. Gliding through the South Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan—making a rural detour past a correctional facility upstate—stations of the Elevated is an impressionistic portrait of and tribute to a New York that has long since disappeared. The film explores graffiti as a reaction to the city's social and economic crisis in the 1970s—a self-expressive counterpart to the so-called "legalized vandalism" of corporate advertising that pervades the urban environment. Preceded by Kirchheimer's short film Claw, a lyrical and deeply critical examination of urban renewal.

    [source: Dryden website, 2015-Mar-9]

Friday, March 13

  • At 7 p.m. at the VSW Auditorium, John Lake presents Landscapes with music by Martin Freeman, Ian Downey, and Phillip Herford.

    Join us for a live, multimedia event that explores conceptual landscapes and sonic environments through 16mm projections and experimental sound performance. A selection of short 16mm films will be viewed centering around the theme of landscapes – social, political, and natural. All 16mm films are from the Visual Studies Workshop collection and selected by grad student John Lake.

    [source: Visual Studies Workshop e-mail, 2015-Mar-11]

  • This week's 7 p.m. movie at the Cinema is Birdman: Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (Alejandro González Iñárritu, U.S. 2014, 119 min.) "A washed-up actor, who once played an iconic superhero, battles his ego and attempts to recover his family, his career and himself in the days leading up to the opening of his Broadway play." The 9 p.m. movie is Black Sea (Kevin Macdonald, U.K. / U.S. / Russia 2014, 114 min.) "In order to make good with his former employers, a submarine captain takes a job with a shadowy backer to search the depths of the Black Sea for a submarine rumored to be loaded with gold." [source: Cinema coming soon page, 2015-Mar-11]
  • Tonight at 8 p.m. at the MuCCC is Conscience: The Testimony Of Elizabeth Good.

    The Camden 28, a "Catholic Left" activist group protesting the Vietnam War and its effects on urban America, raided a Camden, N.J., draft board office in August, 1971. Their arrests and subsequent trials — seventeen of the defendants stood together in one major trial, the other 11 had their cases severed for various reasons — placed the issues of responsibility, morality and truth about the Vietnam War before the public and demanded accountability from both the government and middle class America. Supreme Court Justice William Brennan called it "one of the great trials of the 20th century." And its star witness turned out not to be a government expert, but a deeply religious mother of ten, who had lost one son to the war, and now watched as another son faced imprisonment for trying to stop that war. Elizabeth Good's testimony stunned the court and her heartfelt words resonate today as a voice of conscience in the face of conformity, apathy and fear.

    [source: MuCCC website, 2015-Mar-9]

  • Tonight at 8 p.m. and again on Monday at 1:30 p.m. for the Senior Matinee, the Dryden will screen The Gang's All Here (Busby Berkeley, U.S. 1943, 90 min., 35mm).

    Perhaps the high point in the career of one of the great Hollywood choreographers, The Gang's All Here was Busby Berkeley's first foray into color. And not just any color: glorious Technicolor! Though the film is best remembered for the outrageous suggestiveness of the sets, costumes and banana props in Carmen Miranda's performance of "The Lady in the Tutti Frutti Hat," the story of a love triangle involving a soldier, his childhood sweetheart, and a struggling chorine resonates with unexpected passions, shocking twists and roaring comedy. Watch for a really fine musical performance from Benny Goodman and his orchestra, and for an absolutely delirious final set-piece that preceded Pop Art for almost two decades!

    [source: Dryden website, 2015-Mar-9]

  • 5Head, and The Straw House Uncertainty perform at the Club at Water Street tonight starting around 8:30 p.m. [source: Water Street Music Hall website, 2015-Mar-9]
  • Starting around 9 p.m. at the Bug Jar, The Lobby presents ROC CITY ROYALE 2.

    Eight of Rochester elite hip hop producers square off tournament style for a chance to claim 585 beat making supremacy and a boat load of prizes. Hassaan Mackey, D-Rock, Tim Tones and more.

    [source: Bug Jar calendar, 2015-Mar-9]

  • At 10 p.m., the Little will screen Flirting with Disaster (David O. Russell, U.S. 1996, 92 min.) as part of the Mondo Movie Series.

    Mel Coplin departs on a mission of discovery dragging his wife and 4 month old son behind. He and wife, Nancy, won't agree on a name for their son until adopted Mel gets in touch with his roots. He assures her that once he knows who he really is, the right name for their boy will be a snap. Enlisting the aid of student-psychologist and part-time adoption agent, Tina Kalb, they embark on a journey across the United States to find Mel's "birth" mother. "The best part," Mel tells Nancy, "is it's all free." Tina is finishing her dissertation and will film the happy reunion of mother and child as part of her research. For this privilege, she's footing the bill. His adoptive parents are left behind feeling abandoned by an ungrateful son. Clerical errors, mistaken identities, Nancy's misplaced high school friend and his gay lover, and a super-charged libido here and there are thrown into the mix along the way until — at last — Mel's real parents, the Schlictings.

    [source: Little Theatre website, 2015-Mar-9]

Saturday, March 14

  • Today from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. starting at the Blue Cross Arena at the War Memorial is Johnny's Runnin' of the Green. [source: City of Rochester website, 2015-Mar-11]
  • From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Hungerford Building is an Art Excess sale—"garage sale style items at great prices". [source: Facebook, 2015-Mar-10]
  • From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Village Gate Square is the March Brainery Bazaar. [source: Facebook, 2015-Mar-9]
  • Today and tomorrow at 2 p.m. is Puppeteers in Love at the MuCCC. "Puppeteers In Love uses four different kinds of puppetry to tell the story of two people who fall in love while puppeteering." [source: MuCCC website, 2015-Mar-9]
  • At 3 p.m. at the Penfield Public Library, Occupy The Ballot in 2015.

    In the 2013 local elections, Green Rochester candidates for Mayor and City Council included the creation of worker-owned businesses in their platform. While the ruling party won all of the seats, it turns out that we had some influence as in the beginning of February, City Hall announced that the $1.9 million Bloomberg Grant the City has received will be focused on worker-owned businesses. Of course all the money is going to hire consultants and administrators, but without actual Greens in office, that's to be expected. The point is running for public office is not just about winning and losing. It's about speaking truth to power. It's about advancing ideas and solutions. It's about conversing with people you normally would not in your daily life. That's why We have to Occupy the Ballot in 2015. There are 137 races within Monroe County this year. Each one is an opportunity to further the issue and solutions you are already working on. It's time for you to run for office.

    [source: Facebook, 2015-Mar-10]

  • Tonight starting at 7 p.m. at the South Wedge Mission (125 Caroline St.) is a "Meet the Musicians" 2015 Concert Series with the Charlie Mitchell Group. [source: Highland Park Neighborhood Association website, 2015-Feb-16]
  • Polite Ink. sketch and improv presents The Ides of March Are Smiling at 8 p.m. at the MuCCC. [source: MuCCC website, 2015-Mar-9]
  • At 8 p.m., the Dryden will screen Glorious Shorts! (various, 83 min. total run time).

    This diverse selection of shorts highlights the impact the introduction of three-color Technicolor had on filmmaking. The program opens with Dinner for Eight (Rodney Gilliam, U.S. 1933, 10 min.), a fun promotional short for Southern California Edison Company and the first live-action film photographed in the three-color Technicolor process. This is followed by Service with a Smile (Roy Mack, U.S. 1934, 17 min.), a playful comedy with Leon Errol featuring some very colorful musical interludes. Both Trade Tattoo (Len Lye, U.K. 1937, 5 min.) and An Optical Poem (Oskar Fischinger, U.S. 1938, 6 min.) are more experimental in nature, but use radically different techniques in their exploration of color. Steel (Ronald H. Riley, U.K. 1945, 35 min.) is a captivating documentary about steel manufacturing in Britain that uses color to convey the glowing aura of the metal as it is heated and shaped. The program concludes with the Puppetoon And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street (George Pal, U.S. 1944, 10 min.), which uses animation and live action, and b&w and color, in its mix of fantasy and reality. 35mm print of Dinner for Eight courtesy of Southern California Edison and the Huntington Library, San Marino, Ca. Service with a Smile preserved by the Library of Congress. 35mm prints of Trade Tattoo and Steel courtesy of Bfi. 35mm print of An Optical Poem courtesy of the Academy Film Archive. 35mm print of And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street courtesy of the UCLA Film and Television Archive. Presented by James Layton, co-author of The Dawn of Technicolor, 1915—1935.

    [source: Dryden website, 2015-Mar-9]

  • Fantastic, heavy, electric, lounge-folk from Auld Lang Syne, and a rich tapestry of modern Americana from The Bogs Visionary Orchestra will be at the Vineyard Community Space tonight starting around 8:30 p.m. [source: Facebook, 2015-Mar-11]
  • Starting around 10 p.m. tonight at the Bug Jar is Bands + Laughs with Pleistocene, Hardwood, humorous novelty rap band Garden Fresh, and comics Jim Search, and Kevin Dedes. [source: Bug Jar calendar, 2015-Mar-9]

Sunday, March 15

  • From 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the Rundel Auditorium on the 3rd Floor of the Rundel Library Building, Akwaaba, the Heritage Associates will explore Rochester's Rich History in a program titled If My Life Is But Spared.

    Austin Steward, Thomas James, and Frederick Douglass were significant figures in both the local and national anti-slavery movement during the nineteenth century. All three men were determined to be free and worked tirelessly in the struggle for the liberation of their much-abused kinsmen and women at great personal risk. Born in different states at different times, each was rocked by the loss of family members.

    [source: Monroe County Library website, 2015-Mar-9]

  • At 2 p.m., the Dryden will screen The Adventures of Robin Hood (Michael Curtiz and William Keighley, U.S. 1938, 102 min., 35mm).

    Arguably the greatest swashbuckler ever made, unquestionably the definitive Robin Hood film, this taught Lucas, Spielberg, and everyone else all they needed to know about the joys of action, adventure, and high-energy entertainment. The underrated master Michael Curtiz mixes memorably witty dialogue and Shakespearean romance with a courageous heroine, a beautiful hero, and villains who really enjoy being nasty, splashes them with Technicolor, then sends them romping through Sherwood Forest and Nottingham Castle. Superb performances, flamboyant camerawork, and an unforgettable climax, with the gigantic shadows of Robin (the gallant Errol Flynn!) and Sir Guy (the devious Basil Rathbone!) dueling across the cold gray walls of Nottingham, prove yet again the irresistible power and mysterious magic of the movies. An exclusive screening of a rare 35mm answer print made from the original three-strip camera negatives!

    [source: Dryden website, 2015-Mar-9]

  • Today from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Flying Squirrel is Anarchist Sunday School: Part 2—The State.

    Please join the Rochester Chapter of the Black Rose Anarchist Federation as we discuss part 4 of the text "Social Anarchism and Organisation" by the Brazilian especifist group Farj (Anarchist Federation of Rio de Janeiro). Please read the text ahead of the meeting and be prepared to discuss!

    [source: Rochester Indymedia, 2015-Mar-6]

  • Boulders, Firestarter, Reps, Setiva, and Stars Malign perform at the Bug Jar tonight starting around 9 p.m. [source: Bug Jar calendar, 2015-Mar-9]

Monday, March 16

  • From 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. tonight at the Owl House is a Fundraiser for Krudco Skateshop (83 Howell St.)

    Hey everyone, as you all probably have heard our beloved Krudco Skateshop has been forced out of their location of nearly two decades due to rising rent costs. I think I speak for everyone when I say that this is a TOTAL BUMMER to our entire community. So let's get together, eat some food, drink some beers, watch some skate videos and listen to some tunes provided to you by DJ Chreath, M Dot Coop, Muerto Motora and DJ Snacks and B. Moves of GLITTERCVLT and raise some funds to help our dudes at Krudco. Grooving and a moving is encouraged!

    [source: Facebook, 2015-Mar-9]

  • From 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Community Center at Mill Landing (100 Mill Landing Rd., Greece) is a discussion titled #1 American is Good—The First of 9 Principles and 12 Values.

    The 9 Principles and 12 Values – They form the foundation of our organization. During this pivotal year, we will rediscover and reaffirm each of these tenets of our group and inspire our community to unite. We are inviting new guest speakers and organizing discussions, activities, and even field trips to explore these principles and deepen the relationships between the members of our 9/12 group.

    [source: City Newspaper events calendar, 2015-Mar-11]

Tuesday, March 17

  • Today from 12:12 p.m. to 12:52 p.m. in Kate Gleason Auditorium of the Bausch and Lomb Library Building is another Books Sandwiched In on Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande. [source: Monroe County Library website, 2015-Mar-9]
  • Updated: Surprise! The Greentopia Film Festival starts tonight at 6 p.m. with Short Courses at Good Luck. [source: Greentopia website, 2015-Mar-16]
  • At 8 p.m. tonight, the Dryden will screen Corn's-A-Poppin' (Robert Woodburn, U.S. 1955, 58 min, 35mm), preceded by Tomato's Another Day/It Never Happened (James Sibley Watson Jr., U.S. 1933, 12 min., 35mm) followed by a discussion by Kyle Westphal.

    Scripted by 28-year-old Robert Altman after his disappointing sojourn as a Hollywood screenwriter, Corn's-A-Poppin' is a bargain-basement backstage musical that puts the corn in cornpone. Real-life crooner Jerry Wallace plays Johnny Wilson, the down-home star of the Pinwhistle Popcorn Hour, a low-rent variety show with acts ranging from ex-hog caller Lillian Gravelguard to Hobie Shepp and His Cow Town Wranglers. Might the tone-deaf bookings be an act of corporate sabotage engineered by rogue PR man Waldo Crummit in his bid to gut the Pinwhistle empire? It's up to Wallace and his kid sister Little Cora Rice to save the day. Along the way, they perform such memorable songs as "On Our Way to Mars," "Running After Love," and "Mama, Wanna Balloon." Shot in Kansas City by a band of young talent schooled in the production techniques of the Calvin Company, the Midwest's most innovative industrial film studio, Corn's-A-Poppin' saw extremely limited play at rural drive-ins and hootenannies before disappearing for decades.

    [source: Dryden website, 2015-Mar-9]

Wednesday, March 18

  • Dr. Shannon Vallor will speak at today's MAGIC Speaker Series on The Ethics of App Development in Student Innovation Hall at RIT (159 Lomb Memorial Dr., Henrietta) from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

    From wearable technology to self-driving cars, from social and military robotics to mobile gaming and communication apps, traditional ethical visions of human flourishing or the 'good life' are increasingly challenged to adapt to a rising tide of transformative technologies associated with software engineering innovation. These innovations challenge cultures, nations, institutions, and individuals to redefine how we understand and foster enduring human values such as privacy, autonomy, justice, trust, civility and compassion. Dr. Vallor will discuss the many areas in which ethical life is being reshaped by software innovations and in particular, app developers, whose products alter human habits, choices and values, affect how we perceive and relate to others and our world, and in general transform the ways in which our brains access and respond to ethically relevant information. Dr. Vallor will pose the question of whether 'ethical innovation' in app development is a contradiction in terms, an idealistic dream, or the defining mark of a thriving software industry.

    [source: Facebook, 2015-Mar-9]

  • At 6:30 p.m. at Brighton Memorial Library is a screening of Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (Kip Andersen, Keegan Kuhn, U.S. 2014, 85 min.)

    Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret is a groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary following intrepid filmmaker Kip Andersen as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today — and investigates why the world's leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it.

    [source:, 2014-Nov-24]

  • Starting at 7:30 p.m. at the Islamic Center of Rochester (727 Westfall Rd.) is a screening of On the Side of the Road (Lia Tarachansky, Occupied Palestinian Territory / Israel / Canada, 2013, 82 min.) followed by a question-and-answer with director Lia Tarachansky.

    A former West Bank settler, Lia Tarahcansky, looks at Israelis' collective amnesia of the fateful events of 1948 when the state of Israel was born and most of the Palestinians became refugees. She follows the transformation of Israeli veterans trying to uncover their denial of the war that changed the region forever. Tarachansky then turns the camera on herself and travels back into her settlement where that historical erasure gave birth to a new generation blind and isolated from its surroundings. Attempting to shed a light on the country's biggest taboo, she is met with outrage and violence.

    [source: Rochester Indymedia, 2015-Mar-6]

  • At 8 p.m., the Dryden will screen Helen of Troy (Robert Wise, Us/Italy 1956, 118 min., 35mm).

    History lesson #1. Homer's account of the Trojan War and the face that launched a thousand ships is sumptuously told with lavish sets and costumes and an international cast that includes Brigitte Bardot, Stanley Baker as Achilles, and Rosanna Podesta as the title character. Filming in Italy, journeyman director Wise cut his teeth here on the widescreen frame before directing such 'scope classics as West Side Story and The Sound of Music.

    [source: Dryden website, 2015-Mar-9]

  • Medicine Wednesdays continue at Abilene starting around 9 p.m. with good, crowd-pleasing reggae from Thunder Body. [source: Abilene website, 2015-Mar-9]

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