

Books Sandwiched In: Bethann Shapiro Ord review of "State: a Team, a Triumph, a Transformation" by Melissa Isaacson

Bausch and Lomb Library Building 110 South Ave., Rochester, New York, United States

In the Kate Gleason Auditorium of the Bausch and Lomb Library BuildingOnline only, Bethann Shapiro Ord will review State: a Team, a Triumph, a Transformation by Melissa Isaacson. State is a compelling first-person account of historical gender discrimination in sports … Continue reading


Online Grief Circle (2020-Apr-2 @ 12 p.m.)

Gandhi Institute (M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence) 929 S. Plymouth Ave., Rochester, New York, United States

Join us for this opportunity to share what's heavy on your heart during these uncertain times. We will be offering online grief circles every Tuesday and Thursday, please join as often as you like.

Alternate Paths Opening Reception (2020-Apr-3 @ 6 p.m.)

Nu Movement Art Cooperative 716 University Ave., Rochester, New York, United States

This exciting group exhibit highlights alternative photo processes, and features work by Marianne Pojman (fiber prints toned with tea and coffee, plus other alternative process works), Jonathan Merritt (cyanotypes), Bill Bates (lith prints), Pat Bacon (photogravures), and me (showing all … Continue reading

Online Workshop: Let's Talk About Hate

Gandhi Institute (M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence) 929 S. Plymouth Ave., Rochester, New York, United States

What is hate? How does it shape our thoughts, identities, and communities? What can we do about it? Join Kit Miller and David Sanchez from the Gandhi Institute for an afternoon dedicated to exploring this seldom discussed topic through a … Continue reading

Online Grief Circle (2020-Apr-7 @ 12 p.m.)

Gandhi Institute (M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence) 929 S. Plymouth Ave., Rochester, New York, United States

Join us for this opportunity to share what's heavy on your heart during these uncertain times. We will be offering online grief circles every Tuesday and Thursday, please join as often as you like.

Books Sandwiched In: Meaghan de Chateauvieux review of "No Visible Bruises: What We Don't Know About Domestic Violence Can Kill Us" by Rachel Louise Snyder

Bausch and Lomb Library Building 110 South Ave., Rochester, New York, United States

In the Kate Gleason Auditorium of the Bausch and Lomb Library BuildingOnline only, Meaghan de Chateauvieux will review No Visible Bruises: What We Don't Know About Domestic Violence Can Kill Us by Rachel Louise Snyder. "Compulsively readable ... takes us … Continue reading


Books Sandwiched In: Zhiyao Duan review of "Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans" by Melanie Mitchell

Bausch and Lomb Library Building 110 South Ave., Rochester, New York, United States

In the Kate Gleason Auditorium of the Bausch and Lomb Library BuildingOnline only, Zhiyao Duan will review Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans by Melanie Mitchell. Interweaving stories about the science of AI and the people behind it, Artificial … Continue reading


Books Sandwiched In: Dresden Engle review of "Home Work: A Memoir of My Hollywood Years" by Julie Andrews and Emma Walton Hamilton

Bausch and Lomb Library Building 110 South Ave., Rochester, New York, United States

In the Kate Gleason Auditorium of the Bausch and Lomb Library BuildingOnline only, Dresden Engle will review Home Work: A Memoir of My Hollywood Years by Julie Andrews and Emma Walton Hamilton. In this follow-up to her memoir Home, Julie … Continue reading


Tree Overstock Sale

EcoPark 10 Avion Dr., Gates, New York, United States

From 9:00am-11:00am on Saturday April 25th at the Monroe County ecopark, you can come in and purchase trees in a first-come, first-serve sale! This is a great opportunity to still get some trees even if you missed the deadline. More … Continue reading

Books Sandwiched In: Frank Regan review of "The Uninhabitable Uninhabitable Earth: Earth Life After Warming" by David Wallace-Wells

Bausch and Lomb Library Building 110 South Ave., Rochester, New York, United States

In the Kate Gleason Auditorium of the Bausch and Lomb Library BuildingOnline only, Frank Regan will review The Uninhabitable Uninhabitable Earth: Earth Life After Warming by David Wallace-Wells. "If the planet was broughtto the brink of climate catastrophe within the … Continue reading


Alternate Paths Opening Reception (2020-May-1 @ 6 p.m.)

Nu Movement Art Cooperative 716 University Ave., Rochester, New York, United States

This exciting group exhibit highlights alternative photo processes, and features work by Marianne Pojman (fiber prints toned with tea and coffee, plus other alternative process works), Jonathan Merritt (cyanotypes), Bill Bates (lith prints), Pat Bacon (photogravures), and me (showing all … Continue reading

Books Sandwiched In: Edward J. Doherty review of "The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America" by Richard Rothstein

Bausch and Lomb Library Building 110 South Ave., Rochester, New York, United States

In the Kate Gleason Auditorium of the Bausch and Lomb Library Building, Edward J. Doherty will review The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein. "Basedon careful analyses of multiple historical documents, … Continue reading


Tour the Dinkle Exhibit following The Color of Law book review

Rundel Library Building 115 South Ave., Rochester, New York, United States

Tour the exhibit with Central Library's Local History & Genealogy Division. Based on the collection of library patrons Karen Dinkle Bunton and Jerry Bunton, Everyday People: The Dinkle Family and Rochester's African American Past explores the city's black heritage through … Continue reading


Sokol High School Literary Awards Reception and Ceremony

Bausch and Lomb Library Building 110 South Ave., Rochester, New York, United States

In the Kate Gleason Auditorium of the Bausch and Lomb Library Building is the Sokol High School Literary Awards Reception and Ceremony. Hear winning poetry, prose and performance entries from Monroe County students in grades 9-12.
