The Copyrights and Kepi Ghoulie at the Bug Jar

I headed out to the late show at The Bug JarMySpace link (219 Monroe Ave.) First up was The CopyrightsMySpace link who played some superb high-energy punk-rock with a rich thumping bass. Next up was Kepi GhoulieMySpace link (a.k.a. Kepi: The Band) former front-man of The Groovie GhouliesMySpace link. Well, his new band is naturally very similar in that it's still a ghoul-themed punk-rock band, but it's got a more gritty, distorted sound that suits them well. Plus more people.

Unfortunately they hadn't learned the Ghoulies' Chupacabra yet so I'm stuck with it in my head — perhaps until the next time someone mentions the Chupacabra (or is it three times into the mirror?). Regardless: I had an absolute blast.

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