
Weekly Rochester Events #378: Founded the Main Maine

Thursday, April 6, 2006

Losing that hour this week really set me back to doing just a few things. For those of you who actually watched the bread movie, I guess that would be an hour and 23 minutes lost. April fool, suckers.

On Thursday I headed to the Dryden at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) to see the original 1956-version of Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. It really felt like trying to be myself in the current political climate — I want to be able to speak as I please and I feel strongly that is how society functions best, yet the powers-that-be have a desire to make sure everyone conforms. No, they don't want to kill me, they just want to change my brain so it fits their model of society, that's all. It might as well have been a line lifted straight from the film. Of course, the director denies its cautionary stance toward either Communism nor McCarthyism — and why not, speaking in times of McCarthyism, he might have been branded a Communist and executed if he said otherwise.

A couple weeks ago I read Mortimer Shy's essay titled People Who Watch Movies and was amused by the thought of people being strongly influenced by movies, especially considering my own track record. I had talked with the guy earlier in the week about it (no, wait, maybe I just saw it in a movie somewhere.)

He begins his essay, "people who watch movies become people in movies, I am afraid." In much better poetic style than I can muster, he lays out the idea that human beings and all their wonderfully fucking annoying uniqueness get blotted out by the shine of giant faces on a wall. Hopefully by exposing myself to lots and lots of different movies and ideas I can fool him into thinking I'm pretty dynamic.

On Friday I started out at Image City Photography Gallery (722 University Ave.) to see the opening of Stephen Spinder's Budapest/Transylvania photography exhibition. At first I thought it was just more tourist snaps but the images had such good composition that I ended up really liking them. Shortly afterward I went to The Rochester Contemporary Art Gallery (137 East Ave.) for the screening of The Abortion Diaries. It was a pretty good film that oulines the lives of a dozen women and their experiences with having an abortion and puts a human side to why one might want an abortion. Since that is something the pro-choice movement already knows and that the pro-life movement considers irrelevant, I don't know what is the target audience who would be influenced. If nothing else, it can give women who are in the process of making such a decision some grounding in what happens, and lets them know they are not alone.

Later, I swapped my movie hat for my music hat and went to The University of Rochester (Elmwood Ave. at Intercampus Dr., details on River Campus Map) and eventually found The Community Living Center (CLC). The band I believe was Myriad started things off. I thought they were a great dirty, gritty, garage (mostly cover) band with synth, drums, and guitar, but they seemed to quarrel a lot. I missed most of Worm QuartetMySpace link's hilarious novelty-song set because I was helping singer Shoebox's wife find the place. I thought GaybotMySpace link was as crazy as usual but their set lost some steam in the middle as they regrouped and invited audience members to entirely replace the band. Finally, Seth Faergolzia finished up ... he does some really good acoustic rock, but it was sometimes a bit too stylized with guitar and vocal tricks for my taste.

Saturday I started off at Daily Perks (389 Gregory St.) I got to see Nora KaminskiMySpace link again — it's been over a year. This time she was playing with a band and she's matured a lot as a singer ... she's now got a bit of a coutry twang.

From there it was off to The Montage Live (50 Chestnut St., formerly the Montage Grille) to check out more bands. Moustache started things off and I appreciated their technical hard-rock/metal skills more than last time. The UV RaysGarageBand linkMySpace link then rocked hard for a good show. I didn't get TrysteroGarageBand linkMySpace link who I gathered was doing some kind of math-metal (highlighting the mathematical repetitions in the music) — but to me, it was just pretty uninteresting metal. I was wiped out and had to go home, but I did see a bit of The IsotopesMySpace link with their surf-rock and stage show — I really did want to see how they'd use all the extra space on the Montage stage.

Sunday I was back to the Dryden to further delete my own personality once again, this time to see Sam Peckinpah's The Wild Bunch. Introducing the evening was Nick Redman, fan then friend of Peckinpah and director of the documentary A Simple Adventure Story: Sam Peckinpah, Mexico and 'The Wild Bunch' which preceded the main feature. It followed some of the friends, family, and crew of the film back to the locations in a remote, small Mexican town where the film was shot. I thought it too bad that it was shown before the film because it made much more sense after the fact (of course, I was among the few who had never seen The Wild Bunch before.) Fellow fan and friend of Peckinpah, Donnie Fritts joined Redman to discuss the film and answer audience questions.

As for The Wild Bunch itself, it was indeed a "perfect" movie. I could really appreciate that not a film frame was wasted — everything went to telling the story with no excuses and no apologies. There's nothing particularly unique about the plot: aging bank robbers are back together for one last heist. The characters are the whole story — four powerful men, each with their own code of honor. Wow ... I really can't do it justice. If you'd like to see what an action movie can be — or what a movie can be — definitely check this out.

Ah, Monday. All that nail-biting about climate change over a stable and mild beginning of the year finally abated as our weather returned to normal. Monday was 70°F and sunny, and by Tuesday night it was snowing. Whew! Dodged that bullet!

But back to Monday night ... I made it out to The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) for the bands there. Starting off was Knife CrazyGarageBand linkMySpace link who did some technical and elaborate rock with a good, full, powerful sound. The other band was Gil Mantera's Party DreamMySpace link who did their awesome disco-rock with a hilarious stage presence.

Tuesday I was back at the Dryden for another Louis Malle film. Although I haven't known much about his films in the past, I've come to be attracted by the plots and consistently impressed by the films. This time the film was Pretty Baby in which Violet, played by a 12-year-old Brooke Shields is coming of age in a New Orleans whorehouse in the early 1900's with her mother Hattie (Susan Sarandon.)

It's terribly uncomfortable to watch as a male because Brooke's budding sexuality is evident, but she also seems way too young to be having any sex for at least another few years. My own biology was telling me I was looking at a girl who was on the brink of sexual maturity which conflicted with my general apathy for really young women, particularly in light of my American upbringing that brings severe repercussions for sex with women under 18. On the one hand, it reinforced my disdain for the stupidity of the harshness of such laws since 18 years is not some magical birthday when every girl suddenly sprouts breasts and becomes a woman [and that it's often used to arbitrarily punish young couples where the male partner turns 18 but the female doesn't.] On the other hand, it reminded me that biological maturity does not indicate being prepared for sexuality at all — I mean, nobody should have sex until they are at least 35.

Ironically, the movie only skirts the edges of these issues and instead just treats the actions as fact — as if there were no morality at all inherent in the camera. It is solely the judgement of the viewers that gives the film this character as a social commentary. In the absence of that judgement, it would be simply a lovingly shot coming-of-age story.

As you can see, even WeatherPixie seemed rather pensive until the weather returned to normal.

Along the vein of Mortimer Shy's essay (although without, presumably, having actually read it) my friend Cynthia mused, "I've always wanted to go back in time before there were movies and before television and radio because it's fascinating to think how people interacted without those fictional role models." (She sounds a lot like my writing style because I'm pretty much paraphrasing, even though I used proper quotes.) Specifically, she was curious about kissing, romance, and sex. (And I assure you she's not hitting on me.)

I mean, what if we didn't have preconcieved notions of the romantic theme building as we chatted over glasses of wine by the fire, followed by kissing that involves (and this is very important, apparently) a lot of hair fondling, and then a stationary camera in a dimly blue-lit room focused on shuttered Venetian blinds that focuses back to reveal a couple racked in passionate embrace crashing onto the sheets. Then, we are in the same room with the camera slightly higher, looking down upon us both — sometime during the night we apparently put back on our collective underpants — the white sheets bathed in smoky morning sunlight.

You know? What if we didn't have that?

Maybe somebody should make a movie about that because I tend to see a lot of movies.


Tonight at 4 p.m. in Gleason Hall, #318/418 at The University of Rochester (Elmwood Ave. at Intercampus Dr., details on River Campus Map) is a lecture titled The Global Economy at the Beginning of the 21st Century by Anne O. Krueger, First Deputy Managing Director of The International Monetary Fund. [source: University of Rochester Events Calendar]

Let's see if the great High Falls experiment works this time. Mayor Robert J. Duffy will be at the new The High Falls Entertainment Resort (61 Commercial St., formerly Jillian's) this evening at at 5 p.m. for the grand opening. I'm sorry but I just can't get excited about this. I mean, check out this choice quote from Eric Schilder of Saddle Ridge LLC in the city's press release: "We're taking a 'Coyote Ugly' rockin' country type of bar and blending it with the trendiest of night clubs." Good luck with that. [source: City Hall press release]

Tonight at 6 p.m. in the Dryden Theatre at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) is a discussion by artist Gavin Hipkins titled Pioneering Spirit: Landscape and Discontent in Recent Photographic Projects. Hey, it could be pretty interesting. [source: Eastman House calendar] [all ages]

Tonight at 7 p.m. at Image City Photography Gallery (722 University Ave.) is and Artist Talk and Book Signing with Stephen Spinder. His photos are currently on display at the gallery — I thought that although they were somewhat touristy, the composition was so good that it warrants a closer look. [source: Image City Photography Gallery flyer]

JayceLand Pick Although last time the show got canceled, I think they might actually make it happen no matter what. Tonight at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. at Johnny's Irish Pub (1382 Culver Rd., still smoke-free) is One Swell Comedy Show featuring Dave Schmitt and Skasko to benefit The Lupus Foundation of America, Genesee Valley Chapter (500 Helendale Rd., #153). [source: Freetime]

At 7 p.m. in the Auditorium at The Memorial Art Gallery (500 University Ave., near Goodman St.) is a panel discussion titled Visions For Downtown Rochester featuring The Rochester Downtown Development Corporation (RDDC) president Heidi Zimmer-Meyer,architect Roger Brown of Barkstrom & LaCroix Architects, and Renaissance Square project manager Mark Ballerstein with moderator Suressa Forbes. It sounds to me like one of those economy-centric, boring discussions about turning downtown into some kind of soulless, sterile suburbanite playground. [source: Memorial Art Gallery calendar] [all ages]

Tonight at 7:15 p.m. in Hoyt Auditorium at The University of Rochester (Elmwood Ave. at Intercampus Dr., details on River Campus Map) is a screening of Brother to Brother. [source: University of Rochester Events Calendar]

The Dryden Theater at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) will be showing Them! starting at 8 p.m. A girl loses her parents to radiation-enhanced giant ants. [source: Eastman House calendar] [all ages]

Top Pick It's a big gay show tonight at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) around 9:30 p.m. with Gay BeastMySpace link, an excellent disorienting blend of spoken word, electronic effects, and repetition from GaybotMySpace link, and great, superfast synth-pop novelty songs from Worm QuartetMySpace link (not to say any of them are necessarily homosexual — Shoebox of Worm Quartet even claims the ability to spontaneously breed in one of his songs.) [source: Bug Jar calendar] [18+]

Pure Kona Poetry Open Mic Night is at Daily Perks (389 Gregory St.) tonight starting at 7:30. [source: Daily Perks calendar] [all ages]

Drinking Liberally meets at 8 p.m. tonight at Monty's Korner (355 East Ave.) [source: RocWiki calendar]

Tonight at Orange Glory Cafe (240 East Ave., next door to the Little) from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. is the opening reception for Play of Light featuring photographs by Gerry Szymanski. The show runs until May 24. [source: City Newspaper]

Tonight from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at The Link Gallery at City Hall (30 Church St.) is the opening for an exhibition titled Eye See You featuring works from members of Studio 789, the Wilson Foundation Academy Photoclub. [source: Genesee Center for the Arts calendar]

Tonight at The Rochester Contemporary Art Gallery (137 East Ave.) at 7 p.m. is another Video Screening and Artist Talks featuring Alberto Rey discussing his film An Unkept Promise. [source: Rochester Contemporary calendar] [all ages]

Tonight at Daily Perks (389 Gregory St.) from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. is The Kitchen SinksMySpace link, Chasing the RainMySpace link, and John SacheliMySpace link. [source: Daily Perks calendar] [all ages]

Good acoustic soloist with a country twang, Nora KaminskiMySpace link and Matt Cross will be at Boulder Coffee Co. (100 Alexander St.) tonight probably starting around 7 p.m. [source: Boulder Coffee MySpace site] [all ages]

This evening at 7:30 p.m. at The Brighton Recreation Center (220 Idlewood Rd.) is stand-up comedy with Kenyatta DeCosta, Jennifer Blatto-Valee, and Rich Gagnier. [source: the proverbial grapevine]

JayceLand Pick The Dryden Theater at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) will be showing The Texas Chain Saw Massacre starting at 8 p.m. Gosh, what a classic ... what horror is about. The movie will be introduced by hair and makeup artist Dorothy J. Pearl. [source: Eastman House calendar] [all ages]

Over at Whiskey (315 Alexander St.) starting around 9:30 p.m. is Jsan and the Analogue SonsMySpace link. [source: Rochester Music Coalition calendar]

JayceLand Pick Updated: Don't tell anybody (it's a secret show) but excellent high-powered rockers Yer MomMySpace link (formerly Your Mom) and great simple, melodic synth-and-vocalist Roger HoustonMySpace link will be at Spy Bar (139 State St.) tonight starting around 10 p.m. [source: band e-mail]

Tonight and tomorrow is another Geva Comedy ImprovMySpace link show at Nextstage at Geva (75 Woodbury Blvd.) starting at 10:30 each night. [source: Geva Comedy Improv e-mail]

JayceLand Pick Tonight at Monty's Krown (875 Monroe Ave.) is GaylordMySpace link, and Greylord starting around 10:30 p.m. [source: WITR calendar] [21+]

JayceLand Pick O'Bagelo's, 165 State Street, noon.

Anderson Alley Artists (250 Goodman St. N.) will be having another open house this and every second Saturday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. [source: the proverbial grapevine]

This afternoon at 1 p.m. at Writers and Books (740 University Ave.) is Rediscovering Forgotten Poets featuring John Roche on Bliss Carman, Anne Coon on Muriel Rukeyser, Steve Huff on Kenneth Fearing, Joe Flaherty on Theodore Roethke, and Jan Wenk Cedras on Diane Wakoski. [source: Writers and Books calendar] [all ages]

Tonight in Hoyt Hall at The University of Rochester (Elmwood Ave. at Intercampus Dr., details on River Campus Map), The University of Rochester Cinema Group will be showing Brokeback Mountain at 6:30 p.m., 9:15 p.m., and at midnight. [source: RocWiki]

This evening from 7 p.m to 9:30 p.m. at the gallery at The Arts and Cultural Council for Greater Rochester (277 N. Goodman St.) is the opening of Dyad: paintings by Courtney Gruttadauria and Zanne Brunner. The show runs through April 27. [source: City Newspaper]

Tonight at 7:30 p.m. and again at 9:30 p.m. is Nuts and Bolts Improv Troupe (see their site at ImprovAmerica too) at Downstairs Cabaret (172 West Main St.) [source: Downstairs Cabaret calendar]

Boulder Coffee Co. (100 Alexander St.) will be hosting Kyle VeenemaMySpace link starting around 8 p.m. [source: Boulder Coffee MySpace site] [all ages]

The Dryden Theater at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) will be showing Tootsie starting at 8 p.m. Ha: Dustin Hoffman as a woman. Dorothy J. Pearl, the hair and make-up stylist for the film, will be on hand to introduce the film and to answer questions afterward. [source: Eastman House calendar] [all ages]

Over at Starry Nites Café (696 University Ave., formerly Moonbeans) starting around 9 p.m. is Scott BravoGarageBand linkMySpace link. [source: Starry Nites calendar] [all ages]

Tonight at The Montage Live (50 Chestnut St., formerly the Montage Grille) is Camel Clutch, and 7N7 starting around 10 p.m. [source: Montage calendar]

JayceLand Pick Tonight at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) is Gito Gito HustlerMySpace link, The SpunksMySpace link, very much classic punk from The Teenage Junkies, and punchy rock-and-roll from Blue Spark and FlameMySpace link starting around 10:45 p.m. [source: Bug Jar calendar] [21+]

Tonight's another Betty's Sing-a-Long at Betty Meyer's Bullwinkle Café (622 Lake Ave.) starting around 10.

Today at the intersection of East and Goodman is an Anti-War Vigil sponsored by MoveOn.org from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. [source: Rochester Against War website]

Today from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. is the opening reception for a mixed media show by John May that runs until April 30 at The American Association of University Women (AAUW) Art Forum (494 East Ave.) [source: City Newspaper]

Asobi SeksuMySpace link, Polly PanicGarageBand linkMySpace link, and good high-energy punk-rock with a distinct ska influence from The GrievantsMySpace link will be at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) starting around 7 p.m. [source: Bug Jar calendar] [18+]

The Dryden Theater at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) will be showing Pickpocket starting at 7 p.m. Nothing like just watching an expert pickpocket in action ... [source: Eastman House calendar] [all ages]

JayceLand Pick Tonight at Spot Coffee (200 East Ave.) is really tight cello-and-drums rock band Break of RealityGarageBand link starting around 8 p.m. [source: Rochester Music Coalition calendar] [all ages]

Alina SimoneMySpace link, and Carol BuiGarageBand linkMySpace link will be at Java's (16 Gibbs St.) starting around 9 p.m. [source: Java's calendar] [all ages]

Starry Nites Café (696 University Ave., formerly Moonbeans) is hosting their weekly Open Mike Poetry tonight at 7 p.m. [source: Starry Nites calendar] [all ages]

JayceLand Pick Tonight at 7 p.m. at Strong Auditorium at The University of Rochester (Elmwood Ave. at Intercampus Dr., details on River Campus Map) is the first State of the City Address by Mayor Robert J. Duffy. [source: City Hall press release]

Geva Comedy ImprovMySpace link will be hosting FIASCO! Season 2: The Hospital, an improvised soap opera performed at The Drama House at The University of Rochester (Fraternity Rd. at Alumni Rd., east corner of the Fraternity Quad, details on River Campus Map) tonight at 7:30 p.m. [source: Geva Comedy Improv e-mail]

There's also Open Mic Poetry at Java's (16 Gibbs St.) starting around 9 p.m. [source: Java's calendar] [all ages]

Bored? Why not check out 1980's DJ night at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) starting around 11 p.m. [source: Bug Jar calendar]

This morning at 7:30 a.m. in the cafeteria overlooking the arboretum in Bausch and Lomb (140 Stone St.) is the Artists Breakfast Group meeting ... anyone interested in art or creativity is invited.

As part of the 50th Anniversary of Books Sandwiched-In, Jane Van Zile is reviewing The City of Falling Angels by John Berendt from 12:12 p.m. to 12:52 p.m. [source: Friends of the Public Library e-mail] [all ages]

JayceLand Pick Tonight at German House (315 Gregory St.) at 7 p.m. is a discusson titled The Modern Urban Landscape by author James Kunstler. (Note that the website indicates tickets are required. Check with RRCDC.) His website seems to indicate a pretty smart guy about what's going on in the world and what that means in the world of development. [source: Rochester Regional Community Design Center calendar]

Tonight at 7 p.m. at The Rochester Contemporary Art Gallery (137 East Ave.) is a panel discussion titled Alternative Art: What's in a Label? concerning the question, "is 'alternative art' a viable term in 2006?" The featured panelists include The Rochester Visual Studies Workshop director Chris Burnett, artist at The State University of New York at Oswego (SUNY) Matthew Friday, artist Liz Dodds, and art critic Shirley Dawson. [source: Rochester Contemporary e-mail] [all ages]

Tonight at 8 p.m. at The Montage Live (50 Chestnut St., formerly the Montage Grille) is another Words of Wisdom Talent Showcase — essentially a hip-hop/spoken-word open mic night. [source: Montage calendar]

The Dryden Theater at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) will be showing Atlantic City starting at 8 p.m. This Louis Malle film follows an aging mobster who takes to protecting a woman whose husband was killed by the mafia. [source: Eastman House calendar] [all ages]

Over at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) starting around 9:30 p.m. is The ThievesMySpace link, and hard-rock/metal instrumental band Moustache. [source: Bug Jar calendar] [18+]

Daily Perks (389 Gregory St.) is hosting an Acoustic Open Mic from 8 to 10. [source: Daily Perks calendar] [all ages]

This evening from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Verb Café at Writers and Books (740 University Ave.) is a meeting of The Freedom Writers Group who write letters in support of writers and journalists around the world. [source: Writers and Books calendar] [all ages]

Poor People United meets tonight and every Wednesday at 7 at St. Joseph's House of Hospitality (402 South Ave.) [source: the proverbial grapevine]

There's an Open Mic for Acoustic Music at Boulder Coffee Co. (100 Alexander St.) tonight around 8. [source: the proverbial grapevine]

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On this day ... April 6

Link of the Week:
YouTube Video of a foot-long centipede eating a mouse - Seriously. This some fucked up shit. Have fun with your nightmares!

Lousy Online Calendar Award: This week's award goes to Abundance Cooperative Market (62 Marshall St.) for keeping an events calendar with image files containing text of the calendar, preventing easy copying and ensuring inaccuracies are hard to edit. Congratulations, Abundance!


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Related Sites:

Freetime Magazine
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Rochester Music Coalition
Rochester Wiki
Rochester Blog
Rochester Music Photos
Rochester Goes Out (D&C)
Rochester Punk Rock
Jazz 90.1 Calendar
Delusions of Adequacy
Mystery and Misery
My Rochester
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Kids Out and About
Weather Underground


Movie links courtesy The Internet Movie Database. Map links courtesy Google Maps — sorry to those people with browsers not supported.

About the title ... Augusta, the capital city of the state of Maine was established as a trading post 378 years ago in 1628.

This page is Jason Olshefsky's list of things to do in Rochester, NY and the surrounding region (including nearby towns Irondequoit, Webster, Penfield, Pittsford, Victor, Henrietta, Gates, Chili, Greece, and Charlotte, and occasionally other places in Monroe County and the Western New York region.) It is updated every week with daily listings for entertainment, activities, performances, movies, music, bands, comedy, improv, poetry, storytelling, lectures, discussions, debates, theater, plays, and generally fun things to do. Music events are usually original bands with occasional cover bands and DJ's with musical styles including punk, emo, ska, swing, rock, rock-and-roll, alternative, metal, jazz, blues, noise band, experimental music, folk, acoustic, and "world-beat." Events listed take place during the day, in the evenings, or as part of the city's nightlife as listed. Although I'm reluctant to admit it, it is a Rochester blog and I'm essentially blogging about Rochester events. Oh, and it's spelled JayceLand with no space and a capital L, not Jayce Land, Jaycee Land, Jace Land, Jase Land, Joyce Land, Jayce World, Jayceeland, Jaceland, Jaseland, Joyceland, Jayceworld, Jayceeworld, Jaceworld, Jaseworld, nor Joyceworld. (Now if you misspell it in some search engine, you at least get a shot at finding it.) It's also not to be confused with Jake's World or JakesWorld which is a site of a Rochester animator. While I'm on the topic of keywords for search engines, this update includes information for Thursday, April 6, 2006 (Thu, Apr 6, 2006, 4/6/2006, or 4/6/06) Friday, April 7, 2006 (Fri, Apr 7, 2006, 4/7/2006, or 4/7/06) Saturday, April 8, 2006 (Sat, Apr 8, 2006, 4/8/2006, or 4/8/06) Sunday, April 9, 2006 (Sun, Apr 9, 2006, 4/9/2006, or 4/9/06) Monday, April 10, 2006 (Mon, Apr 10, 2006, 4/10/2006, or 4/10/06) Tuesday, April 11, 2006 (Tue, Apr 11, 2006, 4/11/2006, or 4/11/06) and Wednesday, April 12, 2006 (Wed, Apr 12, 2006, 4/12/2006, or 4/12/06).

JayceLand Pick indicates an event that's a preferred pick of the day ... probably something worth checking out.

Top Pick indicates a "guaranteed" best bet for the particular genre of the indicated event.

GarageBand link links to a band's page on GarageBand.com which offers reviews and information about bands.

MySpace link links to a band's page on MySpace.com which is a friend-networking site that is popular with bands.

Fly the flag today. is a day when you should fly the flag according to the Veterans of Foreign Wars calendar.

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