Thursday, June 7, 2001

JayceLand's Weekly Rochester Events #126: With a Butt Like a Couple Hogs Heads

First things first. In other words, I'll get to the picture later.

Last week I did way too many things for one weekend. I ran the 3.5 mile JP Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge in 34:42 (the actual time) which isn't too bad considering I only ran once this year other than the race. Johnny of Johnny's Smoke Free Bar was on his bike near the start line and I said hi, only to see him later for the Nuts and Bolts show at 8. So far so good. I did manage to see Build at Monty's Krown but ran up against abject tiredness around midnight and just had to go home. I sold stuff in the mornings of Friday and Saturday at the Rochester Hamfest at the The Dome Center. I probably got rid of three quarters of what I brought and made around $80 after fees. I then, of course, spent some of that money on more junk, albeit much smaller and lighter. On Friday evening I went to see Flava Country and Astronomical Unit at Red but they were not there. The bouncer didn't offer my $3 back even though I was only there for a minute. Jerks. I ended up playing pool at the Krown. On Saturday I went to the The Bug Jar to see Build again but crashed around midnight and missed Unspun. I also missed out on Elderwilde and Lala Land at Richmond's.

In the end, I did survive, so I decided to push my luck on Monday afternoon. On the way home from work my car ticked over 100,000 miles on 390 by Winton so I wound it up to 100. Did I mention one-handed since I was taking the picture? I gotta quit the wild stuff.

Back on the homefront, you may see a few Not ready for mainstream. icons sprinkled about. It's supposed to be an "e" and similar to the circle-with-a-diagonal "not" logo for "non-entertainment". I figure I'll put it on events that I think are not entertaining enough for the general populace to enjoy. Basically, this is stuff like practice sessions and open mic nights which are so unstructured and amateurish that only the die-hard fans would enjoy them. Of course, the theme of most of the stuff on the page is up-and-coming entertainers, so I probably need a "super polished" logo for things like national acts, or other really mainstream-geared events.

100 MPH at 100,000 miles Second car, same as the first.

  • Evolution - Aliens come down and wreak havoc. Comedy ensues. You know, the more I see about this movie, the less I want to see it.
  • Sneakers - A hacker is bribed by the goverment to do one last illegal deed to get started in his new life. Er, I mean Swordfish.

Checked personally by Jayce The Mondo Exploito series of movies continues at the Dryden Theater at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) with Bruce Lee Fights Back From the Grave starting at 8. Bruce Lee comes back to life and is promptly ignored by the movie as his longtime friend fights for revenge.

If you've got the tickets, today is the last of three days The Mighty Mighty Bosstones will be at Milestones (170 East Ave.) with The Queers for the WBER Hometown Throwdown starting at 8.

Tonight at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) is the rock band The Delta 72 with Swearing at Motorists, The Frenetics and The Priests starting around 10:30.

Monty's Krown (875 Monroe Ave.) will be hosting Gregory Paul and deepwaterdaze starting around 10:30. If I know my locals right, it looks to be a big ol' hippie night of music.

Not ready for mainstream I'm not feeling particularly adventurous as I'm writing this, but maybe I will be by the time now is now and go see the Open Mike at Memory 547 Lane (547 State St.)

I'm not feeling particularly mellow as I'm writing this, but maybe I will be ... you get the idea. Anyway, Le Jazz Hot Café (135 West Commercial St., East Roch.) is having Special Guest Artists from 8 to 11 ... whoever they may be.

If worse comes to worse (whatever that means) you can always see, hear, and/or otherwise participate in Karaoke with Sugar Bear at Drinks by Mary Dawn (535 S. Clinton) starting around 10:30.

Checked personally by Jayce If you're not trying to kill me, I might be having dinner at California Rollin' at Village Gate Square (274 N. Goodman St.) Check out the Fish Mail for the special rolls this week.

Checked personally by Jayce Not ready for mainstream Tonight at Daily Perks (389 Gregory St.) is an open mic comedy night hosted by Bill Franklin starting around 7:00.

Tonight is the first East End Fest titled The First Hot Night of Summer surrounding Milestones (170 East Ave.) and including Aria (120 East Ave.) and Richmond's (21 Richmond St.) It runs from 5 to about midnight outside then there are a couple bands inside.

If you're not up for East End, Brass Taxi will be on the roof of The Centers at High Falls (60 Brown's Race) starting around 10.

Checked personally by Jayce O'Bagelo's, 165 State Street, noon.

If you're really jonesed up about the whole lilac thing, check out Beyond the Lilacs at Highland Park from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Call 334-3780 to register.

Much to the dismay of most loyal goers to WBER Night at Red (171 St. Paul) Bitter Flesh Thing, The Quitters and Up From Crash will be there tonight probably starting around 10 for Bitter Flesh Thing's CD Release Party.

Tonight at Acme Bar & Pizza (495 Monroe Ave.) is Accousticity starting around 10 or so. I haven't seen them, but Acme has been pretty good at getting decent bands.

Starting around 10:45 at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) tonight is noise night with Nod, Thinkbiner, The Visitors, Suffer and This Sporting Life. Hopefully Suffer won't do like they did at the Krown a few weeks back and just play run-of-the-mill "experimental music" for half an hour.

Checked personally by Jayce Over at Monty's Krown (875 Monroe Ave.) is The Atomic Swindlers with April Laragy (formerly The Raw Magilly's) with Speakeasy starting around 10:30.

If you'd like to get some fresh air tonight and see some music, your best bet is the Roof Deck of The Centers at High Falls (60 Brown's Race) with Reporter starting around 10.

Not ready for mainstream Tonight's another Open Jar Jam at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.)

If you know the members of Cow, you should know they're now The Heroin Sheiks and will be playing at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) tonight starting sometime after 6. My guess is 8.

Checked personally by Jayce Trivia Quiz continues at The Old Toad (277 Alexander St.) I keep going and we still haven't won -- whether we have a few people or a whole bunch.. We've been within a couple questions of winning, but so has everyone else.

If you're up for it, Johnny's Smoke Free Bar (1382 Culver Rd.) will have a DJ playing Barenaked Ladies tunes.

The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) is having an acoustic show with Retsin, K, and Orso starting around 9:30.

Not ready for mainstream As of a few weeks ago, Java's (16 Gibb Street) still has open mic poetry downstairs starting around 9:30.

Not ready for mainstream Dan Liberto just won't quit ... now he's got another open mic comedy night way out at Six Pockets (Ridge Hudson Plaza) starting around 9. The shows have been alright in the past.

Weekly karaoke contest with Sugar Bear, at Comix Cafe (3450 Winton Pl.)

Checked personally by Jayce Not ready for mainstream Tonight at Daily Perks (389 Gregory St.) is Open Mic Night (for music) from 7 to 10.
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create multiple personalities to handle additional tasks
successfully fill each day with more than 24 hours worth of activities
wish for the stopwatch from Twilight Zone episode "A Kind of Stopwatch"
groom hair by removing large clumps with each hand
accidentally save gas by consolidating multiple errands into one trip
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Among other things, a butt is a unit of measure equivalent to 2 hogsheads or 126 U.S. gallons.

Checked by Jayce is an event that has been confirmed either with the venue, the performers, or both.

Not ready for mainstream. is an event that is "non-entertainment" for the masses such as practice sessions, open jams, etc.

Fly the flag today. is a day when you should fly the flag according to the Veterans of Foreign Wars calendar.

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