Thursday, May 31, 2001

JayceLand's Weekly Rochester Events #125: A modern-day warrior, mean mean stride

This is going to be a wild wild weekend. First, I'm running in the JP Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge. Hopefully I'll survive. Then it's off to Johnny's Smoke Free Bar (1382 Culver Rd.) to see Nuts and Bolts at 8. After that I'll be off to see Justin's band Build at Monty's Krown (875 Monroe Ave.)

On Friday, I'm taking the day off from work so I can get up early anyway and set up my table at the Rochester Hamfest at the The Dome Center (E. Henrietta Rd. and Calkins Rd.) I've got a ton of computer stuff (well, probably more like 600 pounds) to sell. I've even got my old satellite dish because I installed the Dish 500 I had on my attic floor for about a year. It's really great -- now I have even more channels I can't watch in the programming guide. Anyway, at night I'll be going to see Flava Country and Astronomical Unit at Red (171 St. Paul)

On Saturday, it's back to the Rochester Hamfest for another day of getting rid of crap. Later that evening I'll be going to Richmond's (21 Richmond St.) to see Elderwilde and possibly Lala Land and also to The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) to see Build again and possibly Unspun.

In the end I might just survive the whole thing.

In other news, I apologize for the massive errors in last week's schedule. I said there would be Trivia Quiz at The Old Toad (277 Alexander St.) last Monday and there was not. I asked while I was there and a server told me there would be, and I misheard when the announced that there would not. Through the muddied harsh tones of the public address, they said something like, "Despoit whut yew maey haev heud, thaya will be neau Truvia Quaez nikst waek." You figure it out. Also, I messed up and there was no Open Jar Jam at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) on Monday -- it was on Sunday, same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.

Last month I messed up on Open Mic Comedy at Monty's Krown (875 Monroe Ave.) but this time I talked with Jeremy about it and he said they were planning to make it big this time with lots of people. The reason they didn't do anything last month was because of Dan Liberto's night on the same day. Speaking of which, when I stopped by his open mic night at Six Pockets (Ridge Hudson Plaza) last Tuesday, it had a feel like the old Token Joe's nights. Maybe open mic comedy is back ...

  • Moulin Rouge - If you thought 2000 in Rochester was cool, well, you probably have numerous psychological problems, but you should have seen 1900 Paris.
  • The Animal - Rob Schneider in the role he was born to play -- a man who acts like a bunch of animals.
  • What's the Worst That Could Happen? - In the rough world of crime, crooks who steal from crooks are sought out like the lying pig-dogs they are. Comedy ensues.
  • Evolution - Aliens come down and wreak havoc. Comedy ensues. [Advance screening June 4.]

Checked personally by Jayce Today is the 25th running of the JP Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge in and around Highland Park. I guess it's really the 25th running of the Corporate Challenge, since I'm pretty sure this is the first "JP Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge." Anyway, it's a 3.5 mile course, you should have signed up with your company if you're interested, and the roads comprising the course are generally closed for a couple hours around the time of the race. I think it starts officially at 6, but all sorts of stuff is going on beforehand.

Checked personally by Jayce The Mondo Exploito series of movies continues at the Dryden Theater at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) with The Wrestling Women vs. The Aztec Mummy starting at 8. Originally Spanish and dubbed in English, you will never ever be able to glean any point whatsoever from this movie.

Checked personally by Jayce The renovated Build will be at Monty's Krown (875 Monroe Ave.) tonight starting around 10:30. I think there's just two original members ... anyway, the new lineup is more rock-ish and less folk-rock-ish.

Checked personally by Jayce Today at 8:30 and at various times through the weekend is Mike Dambra (who I've seen now and again ... I could be persuaded to go again) with Moody McCarthy and one of our locals (who's really quite funny) Porter at the Milestone's of the comedy world, Comix Cafe (3450 Winton Pl.) Check out their website for more details ... it looks like this one could be a good show.

Just to help you not be able to decide, The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) will have Throttlerod, Sunshine and Sea of Green tonight starting around 10:45. I asked Kim about them and she said they were most similar to '70's power rock.

Today is the first day of the Rochester renowned Greek Festival at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church (962 East Ave.) from 4 to 11 p.m., tomorrow from 4 to 11, Saturday from 11 to 11, and Sunday from noon to 11.

If worse comes to worse (whatever that means) you can always see, hear, and/or otherwise participate in Karaoke with Sugar Bear at Drinks by Mary Dawn (535 S. Clinton) starting around 10:30.

Checked personally by Jayce Nuts and Bolts will again be at Johnny's Smoke Free Bar (1382 Culver Rd.) The show last month was pretty funny, but it seems I will jinx them if I say too much.

Checked personally by Jayce If you're not trying to kill me, I might be having dinner at California Rollin' at Village Gate Square (274 N. Goodman St.) Check out the Fish Mail for the special rolls this week.

Checked personally by Jayce This evening from 5 to 10 is the 8th Annual Alive at the MAG (500 University Ave., near Goodman St.) with the local modern-rock sound-alikes Uncle Plum, the local modern-rock cover band Perfect World and the local Gregory Paul. They overlap this with college night and everyone's $5 cover goes to Memorial Art Gallery and Young Friends of MAG.

Advance tickets for the screening of Evolution on June 4 will be available starting today at House of Guitars (645 Titus Ave.)

Checked personally by Jayce Today is the start of the Rochester Hamfest at the The Dome Center (E. Henrietta Rd. and Calkins Rd.) It runs all weekend and is $9 at the gate (or $7 if you ordered in advance) for all three days of the weekend. Oh yeah, and it's not about pork although I wouldn't be surprised if a significant portion of the participants ate exclusively pork. It originated as an event for ham radio operators, but has shifted to also include computer equipment as archaic as the term "ham radio." I'll probably be in the flea market today and tomorrow selling my crap.

Tonight at Water Street Music Hall (204 N. Water St.) is Avulsion with the excellent rockish and ... umm ... musical Gaylord and Faultline.

If you like funk or groove rock at all, you've got to see Flava Country and Astronomical Unit. Thankfully they will be playing together at Red (171 St. Paul) tonight ... probably starting around 9.

Rumor has it Norm Abram will be making a guest appearance at Chase Pitkin (650 Hylan Dr.) Call 938-1776 for more information.

Checked personally by Jayce O'Bagelo's, 165 State Street, noon.

Checked personally by Jayce Tonight at the generally music-hating Richmond's (21 Richmond St.) is Lala Land with Elderwilde. I ran into a couple people from California Rollin' who I knew were in Elderwilde and they mentioned the show.

Checked personally by Jayce Tonight at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) is Unspun with Build starting around 10:45.

Meanwhile, the rockin' punkin' Grinders will be o'er at Monty's Krown (875 Monroe Ave.) with Dead Blue Hand starting around 10:30.

This afternoon at the Genesee Valley Park (Hawthorn Dr.) is Parkfest with Into The Now, Liquid Wrench, Flava Country Scotty Paluzza, Snow Flake Experience and Marshall James from 1 to 10 p.m.

Checked personally by Jayce Today is the last day of Requium at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) It's quite an amazing and disturbing set of photos taken of the Vietnam War by the photographers who were killed there.

Tonight's another Open Jar Jam at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.)

There will be an advance screening of Evolution tonight at 7:30. If you picked up tickets from the House of Guitars (645 Titus Ave.) then you know where it is.

Checked personally by Jayce Trivia Quiz continues at The Old Toad (277 Alexander St.) I keep going and we still haven't won -- whether we have a few people or a whole bunch.. We've been within a couple questions of winning, but so has everyone else.

If you're up for it, Johnny's Smoke Free Bar (1382 Culver Rd.) will have a DJ playing Barenaked Ladies tunes.

The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) will be hosting Blue Tip with Dead Blue Hand starting around 10:30.

If you've got the tickets, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones will be at Milestones (170 East Ave.) with Movie Life and The Flattops for the WBER Hometown Throwdown starting at 8.

Checked personally by Jayce Monty's Krown (875 Monroe Ave.) is hosting Open Mic Comedy. It's the first Tuesday of the month, remember?

As of a few weeks ago, Java's (16 Gibb Street) still has open mic poetry downstairs starting around 9:30.

If you don't want to go to the Krown, Dan Liberto has an open mic comedy night way out at Six Pockets (Ridge Hudson Plaza) starting around 9.

What would have been a karaoke night is now an Outdoor Clambake with The Taint at Rhythm (289 Alexander St.) starting around 7 (the band starts around 9.)

Just like yesterday, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones will be at Milestones (170 East Ave.) with The Pilfers and Cooter for the WBER Hometown Throwdown starting at 8.

Weekly karaoke contest with Sugar Bear, at Comix Cafe (3450 Winton Pl.)

Checked personally by Jayce Tonight at Daily Perks (389 Gregory St.) is Open Mic Night (for music) from 7 to 10.
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