Wings -- The Drinking Game
Drink once for each of the following items unless otherwise noted.
The Game
- Explosions (drink twice, per location)
- Grainy military footage
- Slow motion (drink again)
- Black & white (drink again)
- Bad dub of sound effects (drink again)
- Mention of war other than Korea or Vietnam
- Interview with military authority, including commercial breaks
- Retired authority (drink again)
- Acronym other than the name of a plane
- More than four letters (drink again)
- Mention of any of the following words:
- missle
- cannon
- Vulcan
- enemy
- battlefield
- artillery
- bomb
- bombing
- fuselage
- Mention of any of the following words (drink twice):
- pods
- friendly
- drone
- sortie
- ordinance
- Mention of any of the following aircraft manufacturers:
- Lockheed
- Boeing
- Martin Marietta
- Rockwell
- McDonnell Douglas
- Mention of any aircraft manufacturer other than those listed above
(drink twice)
- Triple quantities if played while watching the NBC sitcom Wings.
Last updated 1996-Feb-14
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