Tonight at The Montage Live Music Hall (50 Chestnut St., formerly the Montage Grille) is Fever, and wicked fun, saxophone-driven, percussive groove-rock band The BuddhaHood starting around 10 p.m.
band e-mail][18+]
The Dryden Theater at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) will be showing Bam gua nat(Night and Day) starting at 8 p.m. and again on Sunday at 2 p.m. According to the Eastman House calendar, "a new fish-out-of-water tale from the wildly prolific South Korean director Hong Sang-soo, whose comedies of bad manners recall a mix of Albert Brooks and Eric Rohmer. Sung-nam is a married, middle-aged painter from Seoul who flees to Paris after getting busted for smoking pot with a group of American tourists. Hanging out with an odd group of fellow expatriates, he soon ends up in a triangle with two young students, allowing Hong to perform a typically witty dissection of an insecure male ego."
Dryden Theater calendar][all ages]
Filmmaker Robin Lehman will be at the Dryden Theatre at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) tonight at 8 p.m. to introduce and discuss his documentary films Sea Creatures ("an exploration of life underwater in the Red Sea"), Manimals ("a humorous, moving look at the strange relationship between man and animal on the island of Manhattan"), and Ethiopia ("an all-encompassing tour of Ethiopia from its explosive volcanic eruptions to the bustling street life of its urban markets.")
Dryden Theater calendar][all ages]
Pub 511 (511 E. Ridge Rd., formerly Stooges) will be hosting Anonymous Willpower, and Philo Beddoe starting around 9:30 p.m.
band e-mail]
As part of Passionate Representations: Women's History Month Film Series at The Little (240 East Ave.) at 7 p.m. is a screening of Miss Representation.
Little Theatre e-mail]
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Join Zipcar and get $25 in free driving! Area ZipCars are located by the Rush Rhees Library at UofR, near Strong Hospital, and near the Eastman School of Music, so if you don't want to waste all that money on gas, insurance, and repairs, this is the way to do it. Plus, we each get some money as credit for driving.
This page is Jason Olshefsky's list of things to do in Rochester, NY and the surrounding region (including nearby towns Irondequoit, Webster, Penfield, Pittsford, Victor, Henrietta, Gates, Chili, Greece, and Charlotte, and occasionally other places in Monroe County and the Western New York region.) It is updated every week with daily listings for entertainment, activities, performances, movies, music, bands, comedy, improv, poetry, storytelling, lectures, discussions, debates, theater, plays, and generally fun things to do.
Music events are usually original bands with occasional cover bands and DJ's with musical styles including punk, emo, ska, swing, rock, rock-and-roll, alternative, metal, jazz, blues, noise band, experimental music, folk, acoustic, and "world-beat."
Events listed take place during the day, in the evenings, or as part of the city's nightlife as listed.
Although I'm reluctant to admit it, it is a Rochester blog and I'm essentially blogging about Rochester events.
I also tend to express opinions, review past events, make reviews, speak of philosophy or of a philosophical nature, discuss humanity and creativity.
Oh, and it's spelled JayceLand with no space and a capital L, not Jayce Land, Jaycee Land, Jace Land, Jase Land, Joyce Land, Jayce World, Jayceeland, Jaceland, Jaseland, Joyceland, Jayceworld, Jayceeworld, Jaceworld, Jaseworld, nor Joyceworld. (Now if you misspell it in some search engine, you at least get a shot at finding it.)
It's also not to be confused with
Jake's World or JakesWorld which is a site of a Rochester animator.
While I'm on the topic of keywords for search engines, this update includes information for Thursday, March 22, 2012 (Thu, Mar 22, 2012, 3/22/2012, or 3/22/12) Friday, March 23, 2012 (Fri, Mar 23, 2012, 3/23/2012, or 3/23/12) Saturday, March 24, 2012 (Sat, Mar 24, 2012, 3/24/2012, or 3/24/12) Sunday, March 25, 2012 (Sun, Mar 25, 2012, 3/25/2012, or 3/25/12) Monday, March 26, 2012 (Mon, Mar 26, 2012, 3/26/2012, or 3/26/12) Tuesday, March 27, 2012 (Tue, Mar 27, 2012, 3/27/2012, or 3/27/12) and Wednesday, March 28, 2012 (Wed, Mar 28, 2012, 3/28/2012, or 3/28/12).
indicates an event that's a preferred pick of the day ... probably something worth checking out.
indicates a "guaranteed" best bet for the particular genre of the indicated event.
links to a band's page on which offers reviews and information about bands.
links to a band's page on which is a friend-networking site that is popular with bands.