
Weekly Rochester Events #519 Starting Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Club at Water Street (204 N. Water St.) will be hosting HotspurGarageBand linkMySpace link, and A Kidnap In ColorMySpace link starting around 6:30 p.m. [source: Water Street calendar] [16+]

JayceLand Pick As far as I can tell, there is indeed a Pub Crawl in Southwedge tonight starting at 7 p.m. at The South Wedge Colony Bar and Grill (503 South Ave., formerly Dashen Restaurant) Stops are every half-hour, going next to Solera Wine BarMySpace link (647 South Ave.) at 7:30, and likewise to Lux LoungeMySpace link (666 South Ave.), The Tap and Mallet (381 Gregory St.), The Keg (315 Gregory St., behind German House where Rohrbach's used to be), The Beale Street Cafe (689 South Ave.), and finishing at 10 p.m. at Caverly's Pub (741 South Ave., formerly Genesee Co-op Credit Union) I saw a poster at Solera but it's no longer there, and the bartender at Caverly's was coveting his last flyer. I seem to remember it was sponsored by Savor Life or Savor Independents but I can't find any additional info on any of Michael Warren Thomas's websites. [source: the proverbial grapevine]

JayceLand Pick The Dryden Theater at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) will be showing Plein soleil (Purple Noon) starting at 8 p.m. It's a thriller about a sociopathic criminal and based on the book The Talented Mr. Ripley. [source: Dryden Theater calendar] [all ages]

Tonight at Equal=GroundsMySpace link (750 South Ave., formerly Hunt's Hardware) is the 3rd Friday Songwriters Open Mic with Jim Bowers starting around 9 p.m. [source: Equal=Grounds MySpace page] [all ages]

Over at The Club at Water Street (204 N. Water St.) starting around 6:30 p.m. is Home 4 the Holidays featuring The HoodiesMySpace link, Vice GripGarageBand linkMySpace link, Your Own ReflectionMySpace link, The Spiral StaircaseGarageBand linkMySpace link, and Avenue YouMySpace link. [source: Water Street calendar] [16+]

Top Pick The 9th annual George Bailey 5K (GB5K) starts tonight at Mex (295 Alexander St.) at 7 p.m. and finishes at Metro Salon (25 Gibbs St., formerly Center Stage Cafe) It's a fundraiser for Camp DayDreams (205 Grosvenor Rd.) and St. Joseph's House of Hospitality (402 South Ave.) Dress up as your favorite character from Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life and relive George Bailey's joyous run through his own town. [source: Eggwork e-mail]

Tonight at The Mez (389 Gregory St., formerly House of Hamez and Daily Perks) is Charley OrlandoMySpace link starting around 8 p.m. [source: Mez website] [all ages]

The Dryden Theater at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) will be showing Ne le dis à personne (Tell No One) starting at 8 p.m. According to the Eastman House calendar, a "skinny-dipping idyll for a pediatrician (Francois Cluzet) and his wife (Marie-Josée Croze) ends with the wife murdered and the husband beaten and baffled about what transpired in the darkness. Eight years later, the cops pin the crime on a serial killer but still suspect the husband, who's pulled back into the past by a cryptic e-mail indicating his wife is still alive." It's based on the American novel, Tell No One.I can't really tell if it's admired for artistic reasons or for enjoyment, though. [source: Dryden Theater calendar] [all ages]

Updated: Due to absurdly typical weather, Santacon Rochester 2008 has been moved to tomorrow. [source: the proverbial grapevine] [21+]

JayceLand Pick Tonight at Abilene Bar and Lounge (153 Liberty Pole Wy., formerly Tara) is Two Cow GarageMySpace link starting around 9 p.m. followed by Misfit KarmaMySpace link later. [source: Abilene website]

RedLine Zydeco will be at Dinosaur Bar-B-Que (99 Court St.) starting around 10 p.m. [source: Dinosaur Bar-B-Que calendar]

The Mez (389 Gregory St., formerly House of Hamez and Daily Perks) will be hosting Poor Howard Stith starting around 8 p.m. [source: Mez website] [all ages]

Over at Boulder Coffee Co.MySpace link (100 Alexander St.) starting around 8 p.m. is Josh NetskyMySpace link. [source: Boulder Coffee website] [all ages]

Giancarlo Vulcano, Jesse Shiffrin, and Ian M. RiggsMySpace link will be at The Rochester Contemporary Art Gallery (137 East Ave.) starting around 8 p.m. [source: Rochester Contemporary calendar] [all ages]

JayceLand Pick The Dryden Theater at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) will be showing An Affair to Remember starting at 8 p.m. "A pair of star-crossed lovers who meet on an ocean voyage and pledge to reunite at the Empire State Building until fate and near tragedy get in their way." [source: Dryden Theater calendar] [all ages]

JayceLand Pick Updated: Tonight at Monty's KrownMySpace link (875 Monroe Ave.) is Santacon Rochester 2008 starting at 8 p.m. Dress up like Santa (or something like Santa) then start drinking, raise Cain, and bar hop. [source: the proverbial grapevine]

JayceLand Pick Big, fat, loud drum-and-bass/noise from Tuurd, Tumul, SHED, Stone BabyMySpace link, and The Bloody Nos will be playing tonight at 9 p.m. at [LOCATION REDACTED]. Check around and see if you're invited. [source: Craigslist Rochester events]

Tonight at The Bug JarMySpace link (219 Monroe Ave.) is Gentleman Auction HouseMySpace link, The Found, The New York VaultsMySpace link, and Anchorage, NebraskaMySpace link starting around 10:30 p.m. [source: Bug Jar calendar]

JayceLand Pick Over at Monty's KrownMySpace link (875 Monroe Ave.) starting around 10:30 p.m. is great, somewhat mellow rock-and-roll from HinkleyMySpace link, and standard modern rock band Bird Circuit. [source: Carbon Records calendar] [21+]

Meet at The Storefront Anti-War Crisis Center (658 Monroe Ave.) today at 2 p.m. to discuss ending the war in Iraq before its 6th anniversary in March. [source: the proverbial grapevine]

The Dryden Theater at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) will be showing Disney's Lady and the Tramp starting at early at 2 p.m. and again at 7 p.m. [source: Dryden Theater calendar] [all ages]

This afternoon from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. is a Musicale at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) with Anyango Davenport. [source: Eastman House calendar] [all ages]

The Bug JarMySpace link (219 Monroe Ave.) will be hosting Drawing InfinityMySpace link starting around 9 p.m. [source: Bug Jar calendar]

Today from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. is Holidays At the Market at The Rochester Public Market (280 Union St. N.) [source: City Hall press release]

Tonight at Starry Nites Café (696 University Ave., formerly Moonbeans) is Jen ClappMySpace link starting around 7 p.m. [source: WBER calendar] [all ages]

JayceLand Pick Over at The Bug JarMySpace link (219 Monroe Ave.) starting around 9 p.m. is The Noise, On VinylMySpace link, Super Atomic, good, ska-influenced, high-energy punk-rock from The GrievantsMySpace link, and The New York Giants. [source: Bug Jar calendar]

Bored? Why not check out 1980's DJ night at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) starting around 11 p.m. [source: Bug Jar calendar]

This morning at 7:30 a.m. in the cafeteria overlooking the arboretum in Bausch and Lomb (140 Stone St.) is the Artists Breakfast Group meeting ... anyone interested in art or creativity is invited.

The Dryden Theater at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) will be showing The Polar Express starting at 8 p.m. The perfectly acceptable movie (except for the unnerving near-realistic animation) about a boy who doesn't believe in Santa Claus who gets loaded onto a train until he concedes belief. [source: Dryden Theater calendar] [all ages]

JayceLand Pick Good 1960's-style rock from St. Phillip's Escalator, ChyldeMySpace link, and The Stone BelieverMySpace link will be at The Bug JarMySpace link (219 Monroe Ave.) starting around 10 p.m. [source: Bug Jar calendar]

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This page is Jason Olshefsky's list of things to do in Rochester, NY and the surrounding region (including nearby towns Irondequoit, Webster, Penfield, Pittsford, Victor, Henrietta, Gates, Chili, Greece, and Charlotte, and occasionally other places in Monroe County and the Western New York region.) It is updated every week with daily listings for entertainment, activities, performances, movies, music, bands, comedy, improv, poetry, storytelling, lectures, discussions, debates, theater, plays, and generally fun things to do. Music events are usually original bands with occasional cover bands and DJ's with musical styles including punk, emo, ska, swing, rock, rock-and-roll, alternative, metal, jazz, blues, noise band, experimental music, folk, acoustic, and "world-beat." Events listed take place during the day, in the evenings, or as part of the city's nightlife as listed. Although I'm reluctant to admit it, it is a Rochester blog and I'm essentially blogging about Rochester events. I also tend to express opinions, review past events, make reviews, speak of philosophy or of a philosophical nature, discuss humanity and creativity. Oh, and it's spelled JayceLand with no space and a capital L, not Jayce Land, Jaycee Land, Jace Land, Jase Land, Joyce Land, Jayce World, Jayceeland, Jaceland, Jaseland, Joyceland, Jayceworld, Jayceeworld, Jaceworld, Jaseworld, nor Joyceworld. (Now if you misspell it in some search engine, you at least get a shot at finding it.) It's also not to be confused with Jake's World or JakesWorld which is a site of a Rochester animator. While I'm on the topic of keywords for search engines, this update includes information for Thursday, December 18, 2008 (Thu, Dec 18, 2008, 12/18/2008, or 12/18/08) Friday, December 19, 2008 (Fri, Dec 19, 2008, 12/19/2008, or 12/19/08) Saturday, December 20, 2008 (Sat, Dec 20, 2008, 12/20/2008, or 12/20/08) Sunday, December 21, 2008 (Sun, Dec 21, 2008, 12/21/2008, or 12/21/08) Monday, December 22, 2008 (Mon, Dec 22, 2008, 12/22/2008, or 12/22/08) Tuesday, December 23, 2008 (Tue, Dec 23, 2008, 12/23/2008, or 12/23/08) and Wednesday, December 24, 2008 (Wed, Dec 24, 2008, 12/24/2008, or 12/24/08).

JayceLand Pick indicates an event that's a preferred pick of the day ... probably something worth checking out.

Top Pick indicates a "guaranteed" best bet for the particular genre of the indicated event.

GarageBand link links to a band's page on GarageBand.com which offers reviews and information about bands.

MySpace link links to a band's page on MySpace.com which is a friend-networking site that is popular with bands.

Fly the flag today. is a day when you should fly the flag according to the Veterans of Foreign Wars calendar.

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