Weekly Rochester Events #456: AKA SpellmanThursday, October 4, 2007On Thursday morning Ali and I got to get breakfast together at The South Wedge Diner (880 S. Clinton Ave.) Unlike our previous experience at Highland Park Diner (960 S. Clinton Ave.) the food was cheap and diner-like (whereas Highland wasn't as impressive as its gourmet cost implied). And then skipping ahead, that night I stopped by Monty's Korner (355 East Ave.) with the group from Drinking Liberally. Friday we left to go to Ali's brother's house as their family was about to have another kid. So I missed out on a lot of good shows, but overall I was glad to have been there — it's not everyday that a mom is excited about the convenience of a scheduled cesarian section, which in turn makes it convenient for friends and family. The baby was due on Monday and Ali and I took a break from the family on Sunday to visit my brother Adam who's now living in Washington, D.C. We stopped for lunch at The Alamo Grill of Georgetown (1063 31st St. NW, Washington, DC) which had some really excellent Mexican cuisine. We got to talking with the waiter who seemed a bit out of place with his Eastern bloc demeanor and accent. He made us guess where he was from, and if we got it right we'd get a surprise; with enough clues, we correctly guessed Georgia. So after dinner he asked if we wanted our surprise, making us promise to "do it" if he brought it out — Ali and I agreed right away and Adam followed. He brought out a glass vessel with a liquid in it and poured it in our mouths — I believe it was homemade tequila, and really excellent stuff at that. Amazingly smooth. Mmm. Afterward we walked to the Lincoln Memorial which was quite a hike. It was more-or-less as I had remembered from my trip in 1981 or so. Next we stopped at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial which was smaller than I expected ... still quite powerful and very respectfully highlighting just the loss of American lives. The personal touches added by friends and relatives were often quite moving. We walked to the other side and checked out the Korean War Memorial which was also human, featuring a dozen statues of soldiers on nervous patrol and a wall of images and faces. Adam and Ali compared stories of drizzly-rainy days or night time where the soldiers seem all the more eerie and haunting. Our final memorial stop around the reflecting pond was the World War II Memorial which was more of a celebration of the glory of war, like a traditional memorial. It had no names or faces, just the states, oceans, places, battles, and famous quotes surrounding large fountains. On our way out of town Ali and I got frustrated at nearly getting lost in one of the poor neighborhoods — we didn't get gas before we came and were running on fumes. We stopped at a station and it seemed okay to me. Some kids were harassing the clerk in the booth for candy and such, but for the most part it was just business. After Ali got hit up for money for diapers and we decided to get going. On Monday Ali's got a new niece and she and I headed back home from there. We stopped at Wegmans in Williamsport, Pennsylvania for dinner and had a nice time singing along to the radio on the way home, arriving around 11 p.m. Tuesday Ali and I went to Magnolia's Market and Deli (366 Park Ave.) for dinner. The meal was great — everything was just perfect. Although she decided to stay home, I headed out to The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) for the show. Starting things off was Science vs. Witchcraft ... I didn't recognize them at first but noted them as good chaos-rock; more melodic than average. I wasn't as impressed with J. G. Blizaro who I think of as a good hard-rock band ... they call it "horror movie soundtrack" so their songs are rather long, but hey, if you're into that kind of thing this may be a good band to check out. But finishing off was Monotonix. They did an awesome, animated, crazy rock spectacle. It was so over-the-top as to be nearly satirical. They started with the drums on fire, spilled beer all over, and moved things all around. The end of the show culminated in them climbing onto the bar — drums and all — and playing from there.
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Movie links courtesy The Internet Movie Database. Map links courtesy Google Maps — sorry to those people with browsers not supported.
About the title ... Route 456 is also known as Spellman Rd. and connects Rt. 9 to Rt. 22, crossing the Northway in Beekmantown, NY, just north of Plattsburgh.
This page is Jason Olshefsky's list of things to do in Rochester, NY and the surrounding region (including nearby towns Irondequoit, Webster, Penfield, Pittsford, Victor, Henrietta, Gates, Chili, Greece, and Charlotte, and occasionally other places in Monroe County and the Western New York region.) It is updated every week with daily listings for entertainment, activities, performances, movies, music, bands, comedy, improv, poetry, storytelling, lectures, discussions, debates, theater, plays, and generally fun things to do.
Music events are usually original bands with occasional cover bands and DJ's with musical styles including punk, emo, ska, swing, rock, rock-and-roll, alternative, metal, jazz, blues, noise band, experimental music, folk, acoustic, and "world-beat."
Events listed take place during the day, in the evenings, or as part of the city's nightlife as listed.
Although I'm reluctant to admit it, it is a Rochester blog and I'm essentially blogging about Rochester events.
I also tend to express opinions, review past events, make reviews, speak of philosophy or of a philosophical nature, discuss humanity and creativity.
Oh, and it's spelled JayceLand with no space and a capital L, not Jayce Land, Jaycee Land, Jace Land, Jase Land, Joyce Land, Jayce World, Jayceeland, Jaceland, Jaseland, Joyceland, Jayceworld, Jayceeworld, Jaceworld, Jaseworld, nor Joyceworld. (Now if you misspell it in some search engine, you at least get a shot at finding it.)
It's also not to be confused with
Jake's World
or JakesWorld which is a site of a Rochester animator.
While I'm on the topic of keywords for search engines, this update includes information for Thursday, October 4, 2007 (Thu, Oct 4, 2007, 10/4/2007, or 10/4/07) Friday, October 5, 2007 (Fri, Oct 5, 2007, 10/5/2007, or 10/5/07) Saturday, October 6, 2007 (Sat, Oct 6, 2007, 10/6/2007, or 10/6/07) Sunday, October 7, 2007 (Sun, Oct 7, 2007, 10/7/2007, or 10/7/07) Monday, October 8, 2007 (Mon, Oct 8, 2007, 10/8/2007, or 10/8/07) Tuesday, October 9, 2007 (Tue, Oct 9, 2007, 10/9/2007, or 10/9/07) and Wednesday, October 10, 2007 (Wed, Oct 10, 2007, 10/10/2007, or 10/10/07).
Copyright © 2007 Jason Olshefsky. All rights reserved.