![]() Weekly Rochester Events #431: One Nestorius HereticThursday, April 12, 2007Last Thursday Ali and I got together for dinner. We intended to go to Raging Burrito but they're now known as Hot Shots Volleyball and Sports Bar (1046 University Ave.) Regardless, the burritos are still large and tasty. I had the Buffalo chicken variety and Ali tried the Jamaican Jerk — both very good. We intended to get a small order of loaded fries but our freshly-hired server made a mistake and got us a large plate — probably a full 3 pounds worth. Management was very kind and immediately removed the fries from the bill altogether. Regardless, it was still a little pricey — more expensive than I expected for a bar, but about par with a mid-priced dinner. I headed out later to
The Bug Jar
(219 Monroe Ave.)
and got to see
Ada le O
who are a solidly good 5-piece ambient rock band. Next was
— a fat, loud drum-and-bass/noise band, also very good, but very different stylistically. I also stayed through the performance of
Ex-Lion Tamer On Friday I had a chance to get on the old bicycle (although it was still quite cold, as you might have noticed) and stopped by
Boulder Coffee Co. On Saturday afternoon I met with Ali at The Park Place Restaurant (6025 S.R. 96, Farmington) for lunch. We both happened to get cheeseburgers and were lucky to have done so because they're excellent: hand-made patties and good beef. It's a stop I never would have thought to try in my quest for great hamburgers, although it is outside of the Rochester area I was searching before. Anyway, I headed back in the evening and went to The Rochester Visual Studies Workshop (31 Prince St.) to check out the art opening. I ran into a couple friends and generally hung out with them. I liked James Rajotte's stark portraits and even better contemporary, desolate scenes more than Kirby Pilcher's images charged with her own personal memories. Sunday was Easter and Ali and I spent it in Schenectady with my parents. We finally got all that ham we've been craving for weeks. We also took the station wagon and got worse gas mileage than before — averaging 20 miles-per-gallon. I sure hope my project to improve those numbers (a) gets done and (b) actually works. A lot would be nice. Ali has a cell phone as her main telephone and calling me, mostly, gets expensive because after 9 p.m. is rarely convenient. Since it's cheaper if I got a phone from the same company, we decided to switch her plan to a "family" plan and add a phone. So as of Tuesday evening, I'm back in the cell-phone world. (And it's not through SprintPCS because they suck.) Anyway, Tuesday night we went to
The Bug Jar
(219 Monroe Ave.)
once again. It was a very very quiet night with only a few regulars and a few people interested in the bands. Starting off was
Shawnee Boyeee
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Movie links courtesy The Internet Movie Database. Map links courtesy Google Maps — sorry to those people with browsers not supported.
About the title ... Nestorius believed that Jesus had two natures: divine from God and human from his mother Mary. This was declared heretical in 431.
This page is Jason Olshefsky's list of things to do in Rochester, NY and the surrounding region (including nearby towns Irondequoit, Webster, Penfield, Pittsford, Victor, Henrietta, Gates, Chili, Greece, and Charlotte, and occasionally other places in Monroe County and the Western New York region.) It is updated every week with daily listings for entertainment, activities, performances, movies, music, bands, comedy, improv, poetry, storytelling, lectures, discussions, debates, theater, plays, and generally fun things to do.
Music events are usually original bands with occasional cover bands and DJ's with musical styles including punk, emo, ska, swing, rock, rock-and-roll, alternative, metal, jazz, blues, noise band, experimental music, folk, acoustic, and "world-beat."
Events listed take place during the day, in the evenings, or as part of the city's nightlife as listed.
Although I'm reluctant to admit it, it is a Rochester blog and I'm essentially blogging about Rochester events.
I also tend to express opinions, review past events, make reviews, speak of philosophy or of a philosophical nature, discuss humanity and creativity.
Oh, and it's spelled JayceLand with no space and a capital L, not Jayce Land, Jaycee Land, Jace Land, Jase Land, Joyce Land, Jayce World, Jayceeland, Jaceland, Jaseland, Joyceland, Jayceworld, Jayceeworld, Jaceworld, Jaseworld, nor Joyceworld. (Now if you misspell it in some search engine, you at least get a shot at finding it.)
It's also not to be confused with
Jake's World
or JakesWorld which is a site of a Rochester animator.
While I'm on the topic of keywords for search engines, this update includes information for Thursday, April 12, 2007 (Thu, Apr 12, 2007, 4/12/2007, or 4/12/07) Friday, April 13, 2007 (Fri, Apr 13, 2007, 4/13/2007, or 4/13/07) Saturday, April 14, 2007 (Sat, Apr 14, 2007, 4/14/2007, or 4/14/07) Sunday, April 15, 2007 (Sun, Apr 15, 2007, 4/15/2007, or 4/15/07) Monday, April 16, 2007 (Mon, Apr 16, 2007, 4/16/2007, or 4/16/07) Tuesday, April 17, 2007 (Tue, Apr 17, 2007, 4/17/2007, or 4/17/07) and Wednesday, April 18, 2007 (Wed, Apr 18, 2007, 4/18/2007, or 4/18/07).
Copyright © 2007 Jason Olshefsky. All rights reserved.