Thursday, September 5, 2002

JayceLand's Weekly Rochester Events #191: All White Sixel

I took my birthday off from work and things went okay. I made it to the walking tour of Rochester which started around City Hall (30 Church St.) and worked its way around to the east then south then back around. It's $5 and provides some interesting things even I didn't know. I guess I'd marginally recommend it, but a decent trip to the library might get you farther. Anyway, on the way there I broke the crank on my bike.

Under any circumstances, this is a nuisance at best. In this case it was a bit more of a hindrance. In the past, I'd break the threads out by the pedal, leaving the stump of the crank that I can kick with my foot and still ride. This time I broke the crank at its thickest part--right where it comes out of the frame. I tried hooking my toes around the pedal and managed to make some distance up that way, but I mostly just had to skate it along like a velocipede. In the end, it only took an hour to get home (as opposed to about 25 minutes to get out there.)

In the evening I didn't have much different of a Friday night out except that I was fed a couple shots at Monty's Krown (875 Monroe Ave.) from my friends, and my girlfriend serendipitously cut her trip short due to an injury and I managed to play the Birthday Card (not a Hallmark product) and get her to come out too.

broken crank on my cheap bike
I'm apparently so amazingly strong that I can break a three-quarter-inch thick bicycle crank that I found in the garbage.
What else ... oh yeah ... so I didn't get it for my birthday, but what could I expect--I'm just gonna have to suck it up and buy Mac OS X 10.2 "Jaguar" myself. Steve Jobs may be a prick for not delivering a finished version of OS X 10.1, but there are way too many cool features to live without. Ugh. More hemorrhaged cash. Oh yeah, and speaking of shamefully deceptive links that get me credit at, I bought a Sabatier 7-piece Knife Set. All of the Sabatier stuff is on sale (see the ad on the right side) ... I don't think it's absolute top quality stuff, but it's probably better than the set I have now that I got for free when I signed up for a checking account at Manufacturer's Hanover Trust twelve-odd years ago.

Hmm ... what else ... uhh ... Oh yeah. I blew it bad last Saturday. It turns out that Lorraine's Food Factory (777 Culver Rd.) is closed for the holiday weekend. Who knew? They're in a new location and I just assumed they'd be there on Saturday. I was bummed. This weekend we'll be back at O'Bagelo's (165 State Street) but we can try Lorraine's Food Factory (777 Culver Rd.) some other weekend. In retrospect, I'd like to try somplace we can eat outside ... I think the end September will be nice.


Over at Monty's Krown (875 Monroe Ave.) is The Foundry starting around 10:30.

Checked personally by Jayce Updated: Tonight at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) is Adrenokrome GarageBand linkMP3 link with Evil Beaver starting around 8 or so, followed by local DJ's. Note the early time.

If worse comes to worse you can always see, hear, and/or otherwise participate in Karaoke with Sugar Bear at Drinks by Mary Dawn (535 S. Clinton) starting around 10:30.

Not ready for mainstream Daily Perks (389 Gregory St.) is hosting an Acoustic Open Jam from 8 to 10. For this one, there's no microphones and it's designed to be more of a true jam.

Feel free to check out the all-new Lux Lounge (666 South Ave.) which is Karrie's new bar (former bartender at The Bug Jar and freelance photographer--her work is frequently in City Paper.) She's got a beautiful place going. It's got the usual hip-bar tchotchke plus the back yard has about a dozen picnic tables and a hammock. Her warm, easy-going style is really conveyed nicely. It's actually open all week, but Friday is the "official" grand opening.

Supposedly, Mercury Star Lounge (171 St. Paul, formerly Red) will have Random Order MP3 link starting around 10.

In case you're shut in tonight (or tomorrow), check out I'm going to make a drug with my mind on cable public access (channel 15 on Time Warner) at 11:30 p.m. featuring Pisspot the Bunny interviewing local and out-of-town bands.

In case you're curious, it's Alla Turca at Lola Bistro and Bar (630 Monroe Ave.) tonight and every Friday from 10:30 to 2.

Checked personally by Jayce O'Bagelo's, 165 State Street, noon.

Checked personally by Jayce Over at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) for an early show starting around 3:30 is an Enterprise Hardcore show with Breaking Pangaea MP3 link, The Rocking Horse Winner MP3 link, The Exit MP3 link and Seven Head Division MP3 link. Remember that it starts around 3.

The Dryden Theater at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) will be showing Ferris Bueller's Day Off starting at 8. Oh man ... can you miss this? Well, I guess if you were like 5 or something when the movie came out maybe ...

Later at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) is Isotopes possibly with The Hirisers and possibly with some other bands starting around 10:45. Maybe ... just maybe ... I'll be able to get in and see both minutes of an Isotopes show for once.

Over at Monty's Krown (875 Monroe Ave.) around 10:30 is the rockabilly band Krypton 88 MP3 link's CD Release Party.

The folk rock of Ellen Oakes Kerr MP3 link will be at Acme Bar & Pizza (495 Monroe Ave.) starting around 10.

The Dryden Theater at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) will be showing The City of Lost Children starting at 8. A mad scientist doesn't have any dreams so he kidnaps children and steals theirs.

Not ready for mainstream Open Jar Jam at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) tonight and every Sunday.

Just like on Thursdays, you can see/do/avoid Karaoke with Sugar Bear at Drinks by Mary Dawn (535 S. Clinton) starting around 9.

Karaoke with Sugar Bear is back at The Blue Room (293 Alexander St.)

There's apparently a Spoken Word Open Mic Poetry Night at Pythodd Jazz Room at the Heritage House (130 Spring St.) from around 6 to around 10. It used to be on Thursdays but I guess they moved it.

Tonight at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) is Withered Earth MP3 link with 137 MP3 link, Within MP3 link and/or Rune MP3 link from Albany starting around 10:45.

Not ready for mainstream As of a few months ago, Java's (16 Gibb Street) still has open mic poetry downstairs starting around 9:30.

Not ready for mainstream Tonight from 8 to 10 is an Open-Mic Comedy Night at Daily Perks (389 Gregory St.) While once it was a workshop type of environment, the comics now have to force that behavior ... by default it's a place to try out new stuff.

Dan Liberto (of the The Comedy Company) is back with another Open Mic Comedy up at Penny Arcade (4785 Lake Ave.) starting probably around 10:30

The Dryden Theater at George Eastman House (900 East Ave.) will be showing Underground Zero starting at 8. Ok, so it's been a year and here's a collection of personal cinematic essays.

Weekly karaoke contest with Sugar Bear, at Comix Cafe (3450 Winton Pl.)

Checked personally by Jayce Not ready for mainstream Tonight at Daily Perks (389 Gregory St.) is Open Mic Night (for music) from 7 to 10.
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MacRaffle - If you want the chance to win some new Apple stuff with some really good odds, this may be the place to go.

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Freetime Magazine
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Rochester Goes Out (D&C)
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Buy some of these fine cheap knives from Amazon so I can get store credit. gives me money if you buy things through this link, but for music, movies, and stuff, why not go to Record Archive, The Bop Shop, Lakeshore, or House of Guitars instead?

Movie links courtesy The Internet Movie Database
Map links courtesy MapsOnUs
TV show synopses courtesy TVGrid
Some movie synopses courtesy
In the TRS-80 Model I/III character set, the six-pixel (two-by-three "sixel") character with all pixels "on" is number 191. So what if it's obscure. Nobody reads these anyway.

Checked by Jayce is an event that has been confirmed either with the venue, the performers, or both.

GarageBand link links to a band's page on which offers reviews and information about bands.

MP3 link links to a band's page on which offers music and entertainment downloads in MP3 format.

Not ready for mainstream. is an event that is "non-entertainment" for the masses such as practice sessions, open jams, etc.

Fly the flag today. is a day when you should fly the flag according to the Veterans of Foreign Wars calendar.

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