Thursday, March 21, 2002

JayceLand's Weekly Rochester Events #167: Steeling to the Rich

I mentioned last week that I was going to do a "classic" update. Well, this week is almost as classic as it gets. The long story is this: I bought some RAM for my laptop and when I installed it, everything appeared to be okay. When I closed it all up and tried using it again, it just wouldn't turn on. Damn. So here I am, typing away on my old Power Macintosh 7100 in BBEdit to get this update to you. Now that's commitment.

Oh, what to start with. The other night I had this weird dream. Well, it wasn't too weird ... I got in touch with Lisa Melnyk, this girl I had a really big crush on in high school. (Not in touch with in reality, mind you, but in reality just in my mind. Aside from this aside, this is the description of the dream.) She was living in not-Rochester and fairly far away. She came up here for some reason and was driving a pinkish (just off white, barely pink) Plymouth Horizon (... no, that's not right. It was a Dodge Omni. No, no ... I'm pretty sure she's classy enough to be driving the Plymouth.) Anyway, she came up and I met with her. I thought it was a little odd that she looked 31 rather than looking like 17 when I last saw her (or was it 19?) I must have aged her appearance in my mind. I really haven't seen her since but I remember her being very pretty. Let me just say that I really don't dream about her very much ... in fact, almost never. I kinda think that dating or not dating her (rather: talking to her like a normal person versus gibbering like an idiot) was one of those pivotal moments in my life and that I wouldn't be the same person if we had known eachother better--so I do think about her sometimes. Ok, this is getting too psychoanalytical. The important part was that we got to kiss and her lips were like flannel sheets. I don't know if there's a moral in that for any of you, but I hope it helps you somewhat more than me.

What else ... Oh, I saw one of the worst movies ever: Beowulf. Basically it's the story from the 6th century poem of the same name. Well, except that it's in the future where they have castles that have intercom systems but no other electrical devices and some sort of natural gas supply that isn't metered because they just burn stuff 24-7. But wait, there's more: first off, Christopher Lambert plays Beowulf and uses the same multi-national accent he perfected in Highlander and says inspiring stuff like, "The only way I can stop from becoming evil is if I fight evil." The other big thing is it has a really nifty dark synth score that really has no place in a pseudo-period piece even though it worked well in one of the producers (and production designers and the stunt workers and the composers and Christopher Lambert's) other films, Mortal Combat. The films only redeeming quality is it's very high MST-ability.

  • Blade II - Mostly like the original with vampires and stuff.
  • E.T. The Extra Terrestrial - Hitler's missing terrestrial shows up in the most unlikely of places.
  • Sorority Boys - Some college boys infiltrate a sorority by dressing like women, only to be given away by their raging erections.

Tonight at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) it's the New York based Mooney Suzuki with the arrogant punk-rock of The Priests and The Datsuns starting around 10:45.

The Club at Water Street (204 N. Water St.) will have the Philadelphia based folk rockers Voices on the Verge starting around 9.

If worse comes to worse you can always see, hear, and/or otherwise participate in Karaoke with Sugar Bear at Drinks by Mary Dawn (535 S. Clinton) starting around 10:30.

Over at Mercury (171 St. Paul, formerly Red) is the jazz band Viva Knieval from 8 to 11. I'm still curious to see how jazz plays out at Mercury.

There's apparently a Spoken Word Open Mic Poetry Night at Pythodd Jazz Room at the Heritage House (130 Spring St.) starting around 8 or so.

If you're liking the easy listening stuff, the (according to themselves) "acoustic rock for grownups" band The Earthtones will be at Johnny's Irish Pub (1382 Culver Rd.; still smoke-free) at 9:30.

With tickets and interest, you too can see Bouncing Souls with The Pietasters, The Unseen and The Arsons over at Water Street Music Hall (204 N. Water St.) starting around 9.

On the other side of the wall at The Club at Water Street (204 N. Water St.) is the Rochester rock diva (albeit unheard by me) Jennifer Marie with Black Cat Elliot starting around 9.

Around the corner at the moderately annoying Mercury (171 St. Paul, formerly Red) is The Atomic Swindlers with Low Ton and Heatseeker starting around 11.

The all woman comedy Estrofest III will be at School of the Arts (45 Prince St.) tonight and tomorrow at 8. I keep saying I'm going to see this, but at $15 a head, it better be really good.

Checked personally by Jayce O'Bagelo's, 165 State Street, noon.

This morning and afternoon at the Genesee Country Nature Center (Flint Hill Rd. in Mumford) it's Sap, Syrup and Sugar at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Let's just hope that alliteration includes samples. Same show, same ... uhh ... times tomorrow.

Over at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) is Owls, Party of Helicopters, and This Sporting Life starting around 10:45.

The groove-rock band South Central with the acoustic folk-rock soloist Ronley Teper at Monty's Krown (875 Monroe Ave.) starting around 10:30.

I feel bad about missing them again (but they keep playing these crappy venues) -- Meddlin' Kids with the pop-punk band FMGreen will be out at The Penny Arcade (4785 Lake Ave.) tonight starting around 10.

The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) is having an unusual Sunday show with Bad Wizard, Speed Loader, Mid-Air Collision, The Brought Low and JJ Paradise starting around 6:30.

Not ready for mainstream Open Jar Jam at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) tonight and every Sunday.

Just like on Thursdays, you can see/do/avoid Karaoke with Sugar Bear at Drinks by Mary Dawn (535 S. Clinton) starting around 9.

Karaoke with Sugar Bear is back at The Blue Room (293 Alexander St.)

The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) is having an unusual Monday show with True Love Always and the okay modern-rock band Bird Circuit, starting around 10:30.

Checked personally by Jayce Trivia Quiz continues at The Old Toad (277 Alexander St.) My interest is waning, but I keep going occasionally and we still haven't won--whether we have a few people or a whole bunch.. We've been within a couple questions of winning, but so has everyone else. It all gets started a little after 9.

The "psych-rock" band Bardo Pond (I don't know what it is either ... it's just part of the description from The Bug Jar calendar) and Finkbeiner will be at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) starting around 10:45.

I'll be skipping comedy tonight to check out the comedy improv of Some Assembly Required over at The Club at Water Street (204 N. Water St.) starting at 7.

Not ready for mainstream As of a few months ago, Java's (16 Gibb Street) still has open mic poetry downstairs starting around 9:30.

Not ready for mainstream Tonight from 8 to 10 is an interesting "new-material-only" Open-Mic Comedy Night at Daily Perks (389 Gregory St.) I think they're making it into a workshop type of environment.

The Starving Artist Art Show will be at The Bug Jar (219 Monroe Ave.) starting around 6 or so.

Weekly karaoke contest with Sugar Bear, at Comix Cafe (3450 Winton Pl.)

Checked personally by Jayce Not ready for mainstream Tonight at Daily Perks (389 Gregory St.) is Open Mic Night (for music) from 7 to 10.
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Andrew Carnegie amassed a fortune in the steel industry and was born 167 years ago in 1835.

Checked by Jayce is an event that has been confirmed either with the venue, the performers, or both.

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Not ready for mainstream. is an event that is "non-entertainment" for the masses such as practice sessions, open jams, etc.

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