I knew some of her songs and Rob knew pretty much a disjoint set as he has different albums. Anyway, partway through she did a song about beauty pageants and how would the men like it if the gender roles were swapped. She put on a headband flashlight for spelunking and walked around the audience as she played singing to each guy within reach in the first few rows, shining the light right in their face. I was 4 seats in from the middle aisle and there was an open chair next to me so she made her way in to sing right in my face. Then she meandered her way back and crowned the guy who she finishes the song on as Mr. Rochester (presumably she changes this for each location.) Her daughter or niece or just some arbitrary little girl dressed in a pumpkin outfit crowned him with a newspaper crown. Then she said she was going to crown a runner-up.
Well, guess who she picked...no less than yours truly--I too received a newspaper crown with her autograph and the message "You are first runner up!" written across a blank space.
At intermission I chatted with her a little and had her sign one of my CD's. I declined the glitter nailpolish she was doing for the ladies--a fun idea since it gives everyone a chance to chat for a couple minutes without a clock. Anyway, I mentioned "Sensitive New-Age Guys" and she said she might fit that in and if I'd want to go on stage to join other guys from the audience to sing the chorus. I said I was pretty nervous about it, and she said she didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable. In the mean time, she had another girl even younger than the pumpkin-garbed crown bestower come over because she made the crowns. With a little coaxing, Christine convinced Holly to sign my crown.
After intermission, she played some more and finished the show with "Sensitive New-Age Guys" and I thought, "what the heck" and got up there. I was close to the front of the stage and Christine was right in front of me. At one point she had us humming the...uhh...humming part and swaying then she wanted us to snap our fingers. I was already at the limit of my rhythmic abilities so I said I can't hum and snap at the same time--she gave me an annoyed look, snatched my crown and threw it down on the stage. :-) I got it back later, I think for doing the Hokey-Pokey-esque "turn around and show wiggle your butts" part.
So now I'm a celebrity. At least among the slightly-more-than-half
female population of fans of funny folk singers.
Last updated 1999-Oct-20